I think the plot was something we people are really concerned about, specially those in minority or the outcasted one, thus it sufficiently interesting and hooking enough to read. And yet, the characters are so much hardliner, I don't blame those of 'wandless' tho, but even the self-proclaimed pro peace are too much, not different than those of 'wand' elitist/supremacist one.
I hope, even it just a fiction different kind of 'beings' could coexist, even just in superficial level. or the better in commensalism symbiosytem.
I think the plot was something we people are really concerned about, specially those in minority or the outcasted one, thus it sufficiently interesting and hooking enough to read.
And yet, the characters are so much hardliner, I don't blame those of 'wandless' tho, but even the self-proclaimed pro peace are too much, not different than those of 'wand' elitist/supremacist one.
I hope, even it just a fiction different kind of 'beings' could coexist, even just in superficial level. or the better in commensalism symbiosytem.