Our Sunfish and his Squid Companion

Fudanshi June 13, 2020 5:12 pm

You have no idea how many time I cried when I read this cuz it’s just so sad the story is the characters is the ending is... I know some of the fans is disappointed in the ending but I think it’s the right choices to do and also for those fujodanshi that disappointed that this is not bl not every story need to be one for you to like it
I’m reading the novel again and damn I’m almost at chapter 188...... I’m not sure I can read it again without crying aaah [ It was a really great story. Isn’t that right? ]

    Shuki June 17, 2020 4:19 pm

    I know that feel! I also read till the ending, it so touching that I had to cried so much at 4am. The epilogue really sad (╥﹏╥) but I not disappointed at the end, just i hope it can be longer since the author didn't describe others face at the end.

    Fudanshi June 18, 2020 12:31 pm

    Yes this is one of the most best Cliffhanger ending I ever read liek bruuuuh