I believe in the rule of law, but....
FL: I have lost my last reason to hate him. Gee, so his blackmailing you ...
To break it off, he made it too cruel. I cannot imagine what it must have f...
so many things just happened, my mind cannot comprehend this story lmaoo
this......entire situation.....could have been avoided....if they just COMMUNICATED with each other. It doesn't matter 'hOW MuCH TheY lOVeD eAcH OThEr ', a lot of grief would have been saved if he just told her, "I'm having brain surgery, I'm doing it for my health and because I want to protect you".
News flash for anyone reading this and idealizing this as their form of romance: if your partner cannot tell you something as vital and life or death as a brain surgery, they obviously don't trust you or trust how much you love them. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)