He cheated???

alessia ♡ June 12, 2020 10:58 am

I was loving this story until that motherfucker confessed he cheated and his boyfriend brushed it off because, you know, it's perfectly normal. I'm so upset. I even bought the first volume in my own language but I'm not sure if I'll keep reading. I just hate cheaters. I don't even like them as a couple anymore. Ugh I'm so disappointed and sad.

    hana June 15, 2020 10:18 am

    Uhmm sorry can i know which chapter he confessed that he cheated?

    alessia ♡ June 16, 2020 12:20 am
    Uhmm sorry can i know which chapter he confessed that he cheated? hana

    At the end of chapter 6, first volume

    Perere July 8, 2020 12:16 am

    i m not going to say cheating is okay but i can understand him. he literally lost all his family in one day and was really lonely after moving away. they prob meet up like 2-3 times a year which is obv not enough. that boy was touch deprived, he didnt have anyone that he could even hug when he felt so lonely and sad . btw as u can see from the prev chapters he always uses skinship as something to deal w his emotions.