
hanahime June 11, 2020 5:33 pm

Woah.... it’s still too early to say this but doesn’t that mean that the blond friend was nice enough to still think of John to warn him of Claire’s plot... if he is, I want a friend like that. I know ppl r gonna be preachy but hey I prefer a friend that tries to talk some sense with me and I can trust no matter what. Claire had a purpose but doesn’t change the fact that she plot against him to the point of getting the authorities involved...

    SolracXV June 12, 2020 12:43 pm

    He could've ended actually killing someone you know? Getting the authorities involved was the right call.

    hanahime June 12, 2020 1:06 pm

    I never said Claire’s choice was wrong, but it leaves a bad taste. I was just saying, in terms of friendship (for now with the info we have) I was shocked with the blond boy.
    Ultimately I feel the teachers and school faculty should have intervene early on in the first place and not prioritize the wins in turf wars.

    SolracXV June 12, 2020 2:22 pm
    I never said Claire’s choice was wrong, but it leaves a bad taste. I was just saying, in terms of friendship (for now with the info we have) I was shocked with the blond boy. Ultimately I feel the teachers a... hanahime

    Yeah, I too think it was unnecessary for her to lie to the former king, you could even say that that almost made him less collaborative.

    Blond boy should've talked with Claire first before telling John, is what I think though. Since he should've known that it would've make John upset to the extreme. He knew John couldn't be reasoned with and he didn't owed him any favors.

    hanahime June 12, 2020 2:54 pm
    Yeah, I too think it was unnecessary for her to lie to the former king, you could even say that that almost made him less collaborative. Blond boy should've talked with Claire first before telling John, is what... SolracXV

    Yeah, totally agree that Blond boy doesn’t owe John anything but I think the Blond boy gone to the decision of warning John since this dethronement is at a large scale vs one person, their past friendship and most importantly Claire’s lie. The lie was just horrible, for the Blond boy to hear that she was manipulating from the start and never saw John as a friend. It could breed thoughts like ‘did she use me too? Used me so she will be protected and used him to nurture & protect John while he was still weak’. Well.... I can see why he didn’t talk to Claire.

    But another thing is, Claire and John had a fallout but did the Blond boy and Claire had one too? Shouldn’t Claire discuss this with him first then....

    But we never know... maybe there’s a joker lurking or maybe the Blond boy is the joker Uhhh is still want to throw cold water on the teachers and school staff so they wake up.

    SolracXV June 12, 2020 5:26 pm
    Yeah, totally agree that Blond boy doesn’t owe John anything but I think the Blond boy gone to the decision of warning John since this dethronement is at a large scale vs one person, their past friendship and... hanahime

    I'm more surprised Blond boy would think that of her. Him and she, both were beaten by John equally for thinking alike towards him. At the very least, hearing her saying that must've told him there was something weird as it was an obvious lie. But meh, I'm thinking too much out of the poor writing this WT has.

    hanahime June 12, 2020 10:54 pm
    I'm more surprised Blond boy would think that of her. Him and she, both were beaten by John equally for thinking alike towards him. At the very least, hearing her saying that must've told him there was somethin... SolracXV

    Hmmm... I don’t think it’s far fetch for the Blond boy to think that he was used to protect and be John’s training partner if he believed what Claire said. But I guess that just show ppl’s different perspective, opinion and reactions. BUT YEAH! too much thinking hahahahaha. I enjoyed it though, I didn’t feel like our talk was the ugly aggressive type Hopefully the answer will make the story make sense since it’s really doing it’s best to have that plot twist reveal kinda vibe from the start. Hope the answers regarding John, authorities, rebel, etc. will not be disappointing

    SolracXV June 12, 2020 11:18 pm

    1-They (the three of them) knew each other from the start of school and hanged together everywhere, heck, they were even bullied together xD Can't seem as something plausible that Blonde guy couldn't see through Claire's obvious lie. I would've totally believed it if it was just a random other student trying to suck up to John, but not from HIM.

    2-Talks aren't supposed to be ugly or agressive though xD

    3-We already know the answer and how the joker incident happened in Wellstone. John's rehabilitation only taught him that when he let loose shit goes down. He didn't actually thought of his actions as wrong, he still thinks he was in the right even, but if he did something about it, things go out of control, or that's what he thinks. That's why he started over but as a cripple, he thought supressing himself was the solution while ignoring the fact that his lack of control was the cause of shit getting out of, forgive the redundancy, *control*, but not over his power, but over himself.

    He made a bomb out of himself and the authorities that had him on custody should've forseen all that. But again, the writting is lacking for all the factors to made some sense out of this.

    hanahime June 13, 2020 3:20 am

    1- hmmm if we go with that then the Blond boy is plotting something then...
    But I think this is where our opinions differ I guess... agree to disagree kind of thing. Their world kinda normalize getting beat up by higher class (which is weird in the first place, what’s the staff for...) I don’t think it’s not possible for a middle school to think that he might be used to cuz he was initially the one protecting John and Claire plus Claire has clairvoyance. In addition Claire obviously didn’t talk to him abt it well there goes another reason to distrust her. Well with the story setting it would I guess be boring is this is it, high possibility the Blond boy might be plotting something? With the way his character kinda is visible but still behind the scene but is in the turning points.... ahhhhh... whatever

    Ehhh... if that’s it abt incident and authorities action then that would be so dry and story wise very long winded... all this mystery and reveal style thing would be boring then.... well then I wish they would just move on to the current problems like Seph ability and authorities (which looks like a link is being flagged by author)
    Hahahaha It shouldn’t be but we both know that that’s not always the case with all online discussions

    SolracXV June 13, 2020 11:41 am
    1- hmmm if we go with that then the Blond boy is plotting something then...But I think this is where our opinions differ I guess... agree to disagree kind of thing. Their world kinda normalize getting beat up b... hanahime

    it's ok, we're just sharing impressions on this story.

    This other point about normalizing beat ups, I think it doesn't actually, royals don't condone indiscriminate beat ups, none of them in fact, well, except for the first of its kind, John, and yeah it would seem otherwise since we only see from the beaten people's point of view, but you don't have to dig that far to see the system goes more like this: Strong shows the weak its place-- the weak, if weak, will stay in line and not get in dangerous situation for lack of selfawareness, if it's actually not weak, it'll make him more strong now knowing its weakness nurturing their potential-- Or at least that's the system Arlo and Remi experienced and now try to upheld, but we don't see their perspectives on the matter that much. And I have my own opinion on how bullies are portrayed here, they're just wrong and I'm not talking about what they do, but how the're made, they're just ridiculous to a point beyond fiction.

    Should the rehabilitation had gone as it should, this whole mistake called Joker Arc wouldn't exist. I totally agree with you, the story is completely derailed and it should focus on the important and interesting part that is the Hero-killing-drug-dealing-kidnappers organization. I don't think correcting the flaws in writting would make the story boring, I believe it would at least make it not frustrating to read.

    hanahime June 13, 2020 3:53 pm
    it's ok, we're just sharing impressions on this story.This other point about normalizing beat ups, I think it doesn't actually, royals don't condone indiscriminate beat ups, none of them in fact, well, except f... SolracXV

    Haha yea royals don’t esp since they’re in the place of authority. They’re like the student council but the beat ups that I mean is what’s happening in the outside of royals and their surroundings. That’s why it’s weird for me cuz like you said bullies are borderline fiction. If the beat ups or bullying are not happening then the appearance of Joker and the issue that ppl using Joker’s mask would be manageable but it isn’t. That’s just how many ppl want revenge but obviously not all are like that some want to take this chance to do what they want.

    Hahaha i agree it would be less frustrating, that’s a better word for it. But what I mean abt that statement ‘boring’ is that if like you said the rehabilitation or this uprising doesn’t have any additional info/ something important then it would be boring to do it this long winded. But I’m hoping that there is a reason for this call to Claire and will open up something more otherwise... we all know what happens next. I think they’ll be something else to the story... at least I hope so cuz this flash back seems like still has a paragraph and a conclusion left...

    Lexi June 18, 2020 5:07 am

    Accidentally disliked, you know how it goes

    SolracXV June 18, 2020 11:49 am

    Well, blond dude was who actually called the authorities, looks like he realized too late it wasn't such a good idea to run to John telling him his friend was "turning on him".

    hanahime June 19, 2020 1:35 am
    Well, blond dude was who actually called the authorities, looks like he realized too late it wasn't such a good idea to run to John telling him his friend was "turning on him". SolracXV

    Hahahahaha yea. I guess beating up those ppl and Claire is his last strand of patience. At the same time... what did he expect?? That John wouldn’t be angry his ex-friend are plotting with several ppl. This flash back took too long and it basically gave almost zero new information. I just learned Claire was Clairvoyant and John was really cripple once. Can I pray for that Blond boy to have a scheme and have a eureka moment later.

    Well... John is exposed sooo.... bloodbath? Hmm not to a very bad extent maybe cuz of the principal here? but at the same time he’s not doing anything right now...... Is no one complaining in this school?? uuhhhh I don’t want to sigh or eye roll when I read the next chapter... I think I’ll take a break and let this pile up then read again

    SolracXV June 19, 2020 9:18 am
    Hahahahaha yea. I guess beating up those ppl and Claire is his last strand of patience. At the same time... what did he expect?? That John wouldn’t be angry his ex-friend are plotting with several ppl. This f... hanahime

    I don't know, there's been some foreshadowing and I think Sera'll do something. Whether she regains her ability, which is unlikely, or she face him powerless and punch some sense into him.

    If it comes to the latter and John's brain dry up completely to punch Sera back, there'll be no saving for him. Arkham will be his only option xD

    hanahime June 21, 2020 9:17 am
    I don't know, there's been some foreshadowing and I think Sera'll do something. Whether she regains her ability, which is unlikely, or she face him powerless and punch some sense into him.If it comes to the lat... SolracXV

    Hahahahahaha that would be something I’d like to see