Woa, looks at the way you said, I'm speechless!
Sorry but I was an editor be4 for a translation team as well, and yeah, it's true that we would like to receive the opinion on our skills, but the most important still the manga we picks!
We pick to trans it because we love it, so we put lots of hard work in and bring it to the community to share with readers, so I'm pretty sure if there are too much criticism about the manga we did, there is literally no point for us to continue to do it, because we still have another projects that lots of ppl like.
And that's absolutely heartbroken for people who love this comic if that thing really happens, got it?
From the latest chapters released of this webtoon I could notice a lot of criticism about MC and her behaviour in the comments and this can't go on, at the start it was okay , ppl were bringing interesting comment about what they disliked in the webtoon, it was understandable and all
But now seriously you guys sounds like parrot
A lot of person said there were going to quit but I see even more ppl saying "wow ShE'S sO DuMb , HoW cAn yOu bE thIS stuPid!???"
Like if the story not going your way since the start(considering we're still early in the webtoon), JUST QUIT, STOP READING.
instead of polluting the comment section with dumb comment
It's also I think really disrespectful for the team who's doing all this work of translating to only receive this kind of gratitude.
I want to clarify that I'm not saying this webtoon should not receive criticism
Everything's has flaws but constructive criticism is really what missing here
It feels like some ppl come here just to trash on the heroine and feel good about it