Honestly that’s how I feel too. I’m not a big fan of the female lead, and I’m sure that we can all a acknowledge that she’s not the smartest. In fact, I read a comment before that said that it shouldn’t have a “strong female lead” tag on it, and to some extent, I agree. But I digress, just because she’s not like Melissa, or Like the queen from Remarried Empress doesn’t make this book completely trash. Not all female leads have to be super strong, they can be normal. I know she had a lot of prejudices against the father, but if I was there, and I saw him kill a man- I would be scared too. And honestly, I think the story is good. I love reading comments, and I’m not saying that we should say that this type of female lead is god of something, but it’s a story and we can still enjoy it.

For me i like to see where the whole stiry is going instead of focusing in just one character the story is made from many characters and i like the difference in this one i can't tell hiw things r gonna be and it's still the beginning and i'm with u if u really can't endure the Mc just drop like we allhate characters and all but we continue if u can't stand u quit that's the rule

I agree with you I think that she doesn’t deserve the hate she get. And plus people are dumb but they also have something that they are smart and good at. I really appreciate and love that she’s trying to change the boy her own way and actually take care and put time into changing the boy. I love these type of people and I think that she should also get some love for changing the boy and not make him go the wrong way later in life.

I like this story and am very grateful to the translators, but that doesn't mean i can't criticize bad writing/ characters. People often read the comments beforehand to see if the manhwa will interest them, so if almost everyone says she's dumb and they don't like reading about dumbasses they can go find something else to read. Get your head out your ass and stop acting so entitled for everyone to have the same opinion as you.

You can, but not like parrot, who just repeat things!
Most of you just said she is dumb and wanna quit, then just quit, why even announcing?
Like if you just said you doesn't like her or doesn't like the plot, ok, everyone has different opinions, but you announce you quit, like WTF, we don't need to know that!
Moreover, you can just simply rate the start, and give the review, why even bother in this cmt section where ppl try to thank the team for bringing this manga to us.

I didn't say that, if you look at the end of my comment I said that everything has flaws so of course there is criticism to do
But "stupid bitch" "she's so dumb" " I'm quitting" seems relevant to you?
Saying how you feel and all is cool
But this is straight up nastiness and disrespectful even more if there's those kind of comment in majority like I would have understood at the start ppl are discovering,not liking, expressing themselves on the series ok
But what I dislike the most is the repetitiveness of those comment ,
They obviously didn't like her from the start why continue trash talking and all?

As I said at the end of my comment ofc everything needs criticism and I agree with that the thing is if ppl want to read this manga
They need to know why? And of course "she's so dumb" is good and constructive criticism for them to understand why she's so dumb.
Furthermore yes I agree you can criticize bad writing but the things that bugged me is the repetitiveness and annoying comment that always say the same thing
It's really not relevant and useless for the ppl that might me interested by this webtoon.

I'm sorry but I don't get why a comment should be relevant. It's a comment section it's where you give your opinion after reading a chapter like you are doing right above. For some it's also where they let some steam off after reading and let out their frustration like you're doing. I think that your comment is not relevant to the story are to the use of the comment section nor the translators but I'm not entitled so I won't order you to stop reading the comments section since you don't like it's content.

Oh I should have added the author too you're right silly me
But in my head the team is also the one taking the project along many other projects
It's still a lot of work translating, typing, redrawing and I guess when you see all of those comment , you don't feel really great about something that at the end was useless since it didn't please the readers (but then it's the same for the author too).
Anyway that still doesn't change the fact that we should stop hating for nothing and respect all of those work while ofc still have the right to criticize but in a respectful manner

Here is the thing, I'm absolutely ok with the cmt who said "she is dumb, stupid" or "The plot is boring", and more~
But the things is they keep announcing they will quit or drop? Like who cares? Why you even do that in the cmt section!
And like Sashimi said, criticism the manga still relate to the translate team because they work hard to bring this to us, if they see that too much negative cmt, they might drop it because it's not please their reader (and this absolutely same for the author)
It's ok to you all to say you hate her POV or her way of doing things, because everyone has different POV, but be respectful at least, and stop annoucing you quit but then come back to trash talk about her, like who even care you!

again it has nothing to do with the translating team! they didn't create the plot! it's not their fault and it has nothing to do with them! the attack isn't on how they translate the work, the attack is on the plot the author created ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
they have nothing to do with how people took the plot, even if they like the plot or FL, it has nothing to do with them if people didn't like the FL. they, as I said, just translate it into English. nothing more than that so they have no reason to feel bad or anything like that.

No offense but I can literally say the same thing the last part of your comment says about you repeatedly defending the FL.
And I think the author would be more than happy to see their content pull out of an illegal platform.
And I think translator have better things to do other than spend their time in the comments to make a survey to see if people like the story they are translating or not since it's not their content. They probably more interest on the opinion of people on their translating skills and if you have taken a look around they do exactly the same thing on their private chat which they someting share with us.

I don't agree with that
It's all lot of work translating for the team and also with the drawing for the author
But then again you're missing the point of what I was trying to explain
I just want ppl to stop commenting the same things over and over again
It's useless and just straight up nasty to speak about the heroine like that ,like yes even I agree she's not the genius mastermind you got everywhere , yes you don't like it and that's perfectly fine but what is the use of coming to comment things you prob already said everytime this updates?
I just don't understand you don't like something, you're perfectly free of reading it and not ,why coming here every time for hating ?

1. you can't say it is their work! they didn't create it, they just translate it. claiming it belongs to them is stealing which I doubt they even want to do. again the only attack it will be on them is if comments will say their translation suck, which didn't happen!!
again creating work and translate said work are totally different things!
2. this is the comment section, even if you don't like it people have any right to express what they feel about it. if you don't like it, don't read the comment section. simple.

Wow reread again I never said it this their work I said that's a lot of work
Can't understand basic English now?
The fact that they take the time translating along with other project to after receive all of these comment about how stupid she is could just encourage the team to drop it so no it is not nothing
I also never said or implied that ppl coul not express how they feel, if you understood English well you would have got it from the first comment
I actually encourage good criticism, this is important and this all I've been saying in my previous response
This conversation leads nowhere since you don't seems to understand what I've been saying and disagree so let's just stop there
I'll respect your opinion

We don't all get what we want. People might express their hate of a character repeatedly, so be it. It is how they vent their frustrations. They don't care about what you have to say. i see your heart is in the right place but they're only complaining about a fictional character.
p.s. The translators are doing a great job translating, not their fault theres an unlikable character. All stories have one.
From the latest chapters released of this webtoon I could notice a lot of criticism about MC and her behaviour in the comments and this can't go on, at the start it was okay , ppl were bringing interesting comment about what they disliked in the webtoon, it was understandable and all
But now seriously you guys sounds like parrot
A lot of person said there were going to quit but I see even more ppl saying "wow ShE'S sO DuMb , HoW cAn yOu bE thIS stuPid!???"
Like if the story not going your way since the start(considering we're still early in the webtoon), JUST QUIT, STOP READING.
instead of polluting the comment section with dumb comment
It's also I think really disrespectful for the team who's doing all this work of translating to only receive this kind of gratitude.
I want to clarify that I'm not saying this webtoon should not receive criticism
Everything's has flaws but constructive criticism is really what missing here
It feels like some ppl come here just to trash on the heroine and feel good about it