
Lilly!! June 10, 2020 2:56 pm

Why are they saying arse!??? Lmao are they Irish or sonething?

    cipheeer June 10, 2020 8:23 pm

    its the common spelling for in european english or british english, just chill, not everybody spells everything the same way

    Lilly!! June 11, 2020 8:13 am
    its the common spelling for in european english or british english, just chill, not everybody spells everything the same way cipheeer

    Bruh you chill, I just thought it was funny since in the US if someone says arse it’s associated with an accent - so it was like reading them have sex in another accent. Never said it had to be spelled one specific way. You must have misinterpreted my tone or assumed. Next time I’ll use for you ok?

    Lilly!! June 11, 2020 8:14 am
    its the common spelling for in european english or british english, just chill, not everybody spells everything the same way cipheeer

    You don’t have to be such an arse about it -_-

    cipheeer June 11, 2020 8:59 am

    the fact that you flat out thought that just coz they spelt it as "arse" its automatically irish already pointed out something (-_-)

    Lilly!! June 11, 2020 9:08 am
    the fact that you flat out thought that just coz they spelt it as "arse" its automatically irish already pointed out something (-_-) cipheeer

    Yea. Pointed out the fact that in common American television, the only time you hear someone say arse is when the person is Irish. People don’t speak in text so you can’t hear a British person say arse specifically. Sorry I don’t have the money to go out to all of Europe and understand for myself! the word arse commonly known in the US as the spelling for when a person with an Irish accent says ass is actually common in European English!! Seriously, you saw my comment and decided to get offended cause I associated the word arse with an Irish accent, just like so many others would do. Just. Thought. It. Was. Funny. No need to get offended about it

    cipheeer June 12, 2020 9:42 pm
    Yea. Pointed out the fact that in common American television, the only time you hear someone say arse is when the person is Irish. People don’t speak in text so you can’t hear a British person say arse spec... Lilly!!

    you dont have to travel or get out of the country to know that "arse" is not only used by Irish (-_-) its only common sense that a foreign word is used by many ethnicities, not just one

    cipheeer June 12, 2020 9:45 pm
    Yea. Pointed out the fact that in common American television, the only time you hear someone say arse is when the person is Irish. People don’t speak in text so you can’t hear a British person say arse spec... Lilly!!

    and whats the actual point of asking "WHY" theyre using "arse"? like, is is such a big deal that it is spelled differently from whag youre used to?
    if you didnt find any fault in it, you wouldnt have pointed it out, even if youre saying its funny

    Lilly!! June 14, 2020 8:03 am
    and whats the actual point of asking "WHY" theyre using "arse"? like, is is such a big deal that it is spelled differently from whag youre used to?if you didnt find any fault in it, you wouldnt have pointed it ... cipheeer

    You’re really taking it way too seriously, manga is generally never transcribed in any European accent, so when it is, it seems funny, out of the ordinary, and just random. There. Was that good enough to save your fragile heart that gets offended by a comment on a very minor manga? Just drop it already, if you don’t, I will; and be the bigger person since this wasn’t a big deal in the first place.