Love bombing

Zilfinn June 10, 2020 10:23 am

Heyy! Not sure if any of you guys would be intrested in this, but what the peice of shit did to the nurse, is an actual psychological thing, if I'm not wrong (I can't remember their names, sorry XD )! It's called a 'Love Bomb'. It's a mechanism used by narcissists, to manipulate people. In love bombing, The narc would actually be super loving to their 'partner', showering them with gifts and attention, and lots of this so called love. They make their partner reach a state where the partner cannot survive without the narc. This then give the narc to manipulate the victim, and they pull out of the relationship, hurting the person they're with. The victim, now unable to function without the narc, desparetly seeks to be wit them, and go through huge pain. Most of the time, the victims don't even know they're targeted, blinded by the "love" they used to recieve. It's only till they manage to get out of that relationship will they probably notice it. And in some cases, even if they do notice it before, a blind eye is turned to them.

So if you ever notice anything like this, please be careful, whether it's friends, family or yourself. This type of relationship could really scar an indiavidual :((

    yoosung69 June 23, 2020 7:31 pm

    I think this is way too common than we think it is though... If you could see it many mom's (gen x commonly) got into this kind of relationship and ended up not knowing what to do since they maybe don't know how to get out of it or know it's wrong to do so... It's great that you posted this, I never knew it was psychology thing,, I really thought that's how some people are. The more you know they said

    k123 June 25, 2020 3:22 pm

    I think you're talking about gaslighting. As someone said it's very common and is used in many kinds of relationship not just intimate ones. But with narcissists though, typically it's for the intent of emotionally abusing someone to disrupt their sense of reality to give them control. Thank you for bringing this up and I recommend people researching gaslighting because it's really insightful and explains how people are manipulated. It is subtle and happens over time but it's important to trust your instincts because anyone can experience it. Oh and its good to understand when you may unintentionally be doing it to other people too. I'm happy the parent aspect was brought up because a lot of times adults don't recognize how they abuse their power, because of their role, to disregard their childs feelings. Be mindful of this though and understand it with openness because people tend to have reasons for doing things.

    Although I'm realizing sometimes people won't change and you just gotta distance yourself from it. I don't know it's hard cuz everyone is different and honestly sometimes I am overreacting and have to understand the other person more. But if something feels wrong try to understand why you felt that way and communicate with others that you are hurt by certain things. If someone truly cares they will want to be better and changing does take time and continuous effort. Like I said everyone's circumstances are different and people are complex. I know younger people are on here so I don't wanna freak you guys out and make you all paranoid. Just be mindful.
    Obviously I'm not a professional so do research and ask for help if you think you need it

    Zilfinn June 26, 2020 12:52 pm
    I think you're talking about gaslighting. As someone said it's very common and is used in many kinds of relationship not just intimate ones. But with narcissists though, typically it's for the intent of emotion... k123

    Oh! Thank you so much, about telling this! I didn’t know about gaslighting, and you’re probably right. This is just something I had stumbled upon a year or two ago, and I found it pretty similar so I assumed actually. Also I did look into gaslighting, and damn

    Zilfinn June 26, 2020 12:54 pm
    I think this is way too common than we think it is though... If you could see it many mom's (gen x commonly) got into this kind of relationship and ended up not knowing what to do since they maybe don't know ho... yoosung69

    Oof i get you :”) also it was just a thing I came across a year or two ago, and I found it similar to this situation. It’s pretty interesting!