But recent chapters honestly, got me liking all three of them together! Psyche is def too weak, but till the recent chapter, she has been trying hard and not being a useless bitch. She can also be useless later on since she has been living in the castle, etc! Plus when all 3 of them team up to destroy the stupid fcker, I think it would be super super interesting!
I seem based but I like Lady Medea more than that crybaby Psycho. I can’t just seem to pity her no matter how hard her childhood was.It might because of her stupid weak personality. I absolutely hate innocent looking stupid girls! They are all whiny and looks fake. On the other hand lady Medea seemed more worthy. She is strong woman who shines brighter than any one. Especially I like her cruel personality so much!
And Heli is the best ml I have seen so far. Even if he isn’t actually ml I don’t care.
Heli x Medea ! Forever Heldea! Yeah! They are perfect for each other! I don’t care anything but them!