Yes, I'm thankful for this chapter. I like the work they did and it was pretty good for their first time. In this post, I am not, in any way, wanting to ridicule or hurt anyone.
Did Hero Scans ever say they were dropping this manga? (they didn't).
It's really rude to take over manga/manhwa projects that someone else is working on already (unless it's been over a year, and they haven't said/done anything). I've seen many situations where this happens and the original group drops the manga/manhwa because of that, but thankfully, Hero Scans is not dropping this ( http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/6080340/).
This lovely person summed it up quite well: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/6080513/#respond .
Another lovely person summed up why this is a problem here: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/6080524/
There is a large difference in the quality, after all the person who posted the recent chapter stole the chapter from a Spanish group (qvfamma), while Hero Scans (not sure, but most groups do this) buys it directly from the artist on Renta! or something, giving them higher quality images.
Not only that, the fonts and cleaning is much better (the person who translated the recent chapter literally said it was their first time). You can't say there wasn't a difference when there's already a large difference between their experience levels.
+ We're comparing a group who is made up of multiple people with one person, which can be very limited. This adds onto why it takes so much time for groups because the project is bouncing from person to person and the process is long (cleaning, translating, typesetting, etc).
I appreciate this person and their work, but I prefer quality over quantity, meaning I'd rather have high quality work come out every two months or so, rather than rushed work that comes out every week. Let's wait for Hero Scans to update, they've been consistent and post around every 1-3 months. Hero Scans works hard to give us the quality content we signed up for (for free, may I add). My point is that there is a definite difference + Let's not take over manga that is already being worked on in the future. Thanks for listening to my TedTalk.

Amen! Thank you for your comment. I wish there were more respectful, considerate people like you and more patient people as well.
I haven't read the new chapter (only the two first pages when I realized it wasn't from Hero Scans)) because I can't be supportive of translators stealing raws from another scanlation team when they clearly stated they do not allow the use or the retranslation of their raws. I mean, its just not right.
Moreover, the least you can do before deciding to scanlate a project which is already being worked on by another team is to ask them if they dropped it or not.
Their were many ways to avoid such a messy situation.
Translators / scanlators who can't go along with that and readers who are supportive of such ways should realize that worse than the team dropping their project, some teams who get tired of such thing go PRIVATE and when it happens, you won't get to read your favorite manga as their won't be any available scanlation to read or available raws to steal to take over. You'll have to wait for more than a couple of months, maybe years to see a new team willing to invest time and money on this manga. Or, you'll have a to wait for an English publisher to get your hands on your favourite manga which you'll have to pay for.
I'm willing to believe their were no ill intentions for the new scanlator, but I still find hard to believe when you know their account was deleted as soon as the all mess started. Someone who doesn't have a guilty conscience wouldn't act this way. If this person want to help for faster release, she or he should just offer Hero Scans their help.

Please don't even.
if you wanna be nice to the new uploader do it without disrespecting the hard work of a serious group. There's a difference in quality and it's insulting to hero scans that you say there's not.
Also what hard work? Stealing other people's translations?
Sis that was the whole issue, she stole translations.

Thanks, I'm glad someone else agrees! I agree with you said too, your points are definitely true. I hope everyone is well and this situation dies down a bit (and hope no one ever does this again), but it really does shine light on a huge issue in our community-- this happens too often. Let's stay respectful and think about others more.
i miss hero scans translation for this. new chapter doesnt feel right.