Yeah...yeahh we got it then chill...u must be rich to have that kind money to buy all the chapters but we are not. Then u say that the uploader is "super disrecpectful'? I bet u are one of people that read all the manga/bl in this website for free too lol..did u support all the artists n authors?? lmao THANKS FOR THOSE WHO UPLOAD IT.

Finally, someone said it(▰˘◡˘▰)

So I know this person on a personal basis and I can tell you that they purchase the manwha even when they're on mangago, they're hard working and also an uplaoder and they try their best, also they're absolutely right, it's for the best to upload things a few days later but that doesn't mean that they disrespect the uplaoder

Yeah i know....but just 1 question...u did read it for free in this website right? So you just same like us who read for free lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ dont joke with me. Once again not everyone on this website have money like u to buy the chapters even they really love the manga.

As a certified blood gang gang member I can tell you that she meant that the uplaoder should just wait a few days to upload so some people that actually have money to purchase, purchase instead of reading it for free, and that is also the correct way for thinking, of course we also appreciate uplaoder uploading it very fast but not every time becouse then the authors work would go to waste.
Also just becouse they said it better to upload later doesn't mean that everyone has to buy it and that they're rich
- you're certified blood gang gang member that will throw hands

Nope, read it on Lezhin earlier today. I'm subscribed to the manga here tho so I got the notification. Here's a screen if you dont believe me lol https://imgur.com/a/1Ag20YE

No..what my point is...did u support all the artists/authors manga, webtoon even manhwa that have been read by u for free in this website? Did u bought all their works? U dont have to show me the prove of u buying the chapter. What about others? lmao

I already answered to that tho. "I try to buy as many of the mangas I read as I can." That's like totally beside the point tho. It wasn't my point to begin with. My point was to have some courtesy towards the artist. Obviously it's gonna get uploaded here at some point. But it's common practice to wait at least a couple days. I'm not here to point fingers at you for not buying it. I'm not rich either and can't buy everything I've ever read.

Hahaha kudos to u Raven. Must be proud to defend this guy huh hahahaha because u're one of her/his followers or maybe Verbee have 2 accounts Love to see u guys argue each other.

Sorry to intrude but op is not asking you to buy chapters and they're not saying they does that with all the webtoon they are reading. They are just saying that it's better to support the author if possible and we can all agree on that I think. In order to do that, it's better to wait before uploading so people who don't want to wait or who want to support the author will pay to read it. In any case, the chapter will be uploaded on mangago but later. I don't see the problem with letting a delay for people with money to support the author while you and I will just wait one more days before reading it since we don't pay. It's pretty fair, don't you think?

Benda ni pon nak gaduh Dah x ade duit nak buat cmne lagy. Acah je lebih dorg ni dok support author bagai.Nanty aq jual jlah buat pinggang aq ni utk support author tu Hahhhh sape nk beli kidney aq ni? Lelong!!! Lelong!!!

OH THAT'S WHAT YOU MEANT, sorry if it looked like that but no, they and I are internet friends and not the same person
IDK how to make you belive me but I have this https://imgur.com/a/xPF35nS

Just make it stop people
It's people choice whether they want to read it legally or illegally. Maybe the uploader just want to share it with us by not knowing all this kind of thing. It does not mean the uploader is super disrespectful as you said. Tq dear uploader. I hope u can upload it more. Really appereciate it.
So this chapter just came out on Lezhin today and you didn't wait even a single day before uploading it? That's like...super disrespectful towards the artist. I know that what we do here is already controversial, but you really should give the author some time for them to get the revenue on Lezhin first. Anyway yea, sorry for the rant, just wanted to get that out.