A_San June 7, 2020 5:02 pm

I feel like the driver who is shown looking at sad jihyun is gonna be the new uke for him~
Idk just a sense!!
I really hope it’ll be a successful and healthy relationship for jihyun and driver san ~

    sotuhji June 7, 2020 5:13 pm

    omg i thought the same thing but i don’t think it’s gonna happen since this ends within 2 or 3 more chapters. i think the author made this to just show how the main couples life is after high school.

    Dr-Erotica June 7, 2020 5:45 pm
    omg i thought the same thing but i don’t think it’s gonna happen since this ends within 2 or 3 more chapters. i think the author made this to just show how the main couples life is after high school. sotuhji

    What!? That's sad! Oh man

    A_San June 7, 2020 8:05 pm
    omg i thought the same thing but i don’t think it’s gonna happen since this ends within 2 or 3 more chapters. i think the author made this to just show how the main couples life is after high school. sotuhji

    TT yea there’s a high chance that it is just like a special “after xx years” series but the driver seem to have eyes lol
    I mean usually in manga or webtoon
    They dun really show side characters who won’t have any involvement with eyes or other details lol
    And the driver San seem to have a pretty unique( not those typical bg character) hair that is kinda similar to young chiwoo
    So I feel like the driver might have some scenes later
    I also feel like the author might try to make jihyun happy since that’s what most of the fans are asking for since the ending of the last season

    sotuhji June 8, 2020 4:31 am
    What!? That's sad! Oh man Dr-Erotica

    yeah since i read the raws of this one before, it ends after the main couple have a steamy hot session and solidifying their relationship a bit more. that’s why even though i thought there could’ve been potential for second couples but i don’t think it’ll take place unfortunately

    sotuhji June 8, 2020 4:35 am
    TT yea there’s a high chance that it is just like a special “after xx years” series but the driver seem to have eyes lol I mean usually in manga or webtoon They dun really show side characters who won’t... A_San

    i totally see it! i also thought there might be potential with the driver since he looked a bit concerned and had more details in his drawing. i’m not sure if the author will continue this extra series to show jihyuns side because of the fact that he’s engaged (probably for the fact that he’s from a well known family and has to have heirs) and i don’t quite think he’s looking for another chance with someone else at this point, it kind of feels like he’s given up altogether whether it’s for himself or for someone else. but it’ll surely be interesting to forward his story a bit tbh.

    A_San June 8, 2020 10:14 am
    i totally see it! i also thought there might be potential with the driver since he looked a bit concerned and had more details in his drawing. i’m not sure if the author will continue this extra series to sho... sotuhji

    Awww TT I hope the author makes more extra for jihyun
    I know he did a lot of bad stuff but since he’s a changed man I hope he can have his own happy ending too