
Piney!! June 7, 2020 1:35 pm

(≧∀≦) the emotions after reading was a rush, it's very cute that he had to wait a lifetime. As other stories might have only let Doyun wait a while before reuniting them!!

It's well paced and it might seem complex but due to how well written it is it flows very smoothly!

    Piney!! June 7, 2020 10:51 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! haliya

    Genbu Kaiden is a manga which I haven't read yet, but I read the first chapter to find out. Plot wise, at the start I would say so as they both get transported to a different setting/place but Doyun doesn't go around travelling, he stays together with his Dragon at the castle. The aspect of travelling and finding the other companions seems to be one of the main theme and unless you count travelling back and forward within time I wouldn't say it's similar.

    But, The Tale of The Yellow Dragon is still a very good book. That is if you don't mind the sex scene, then it's a good read.