Seungho's not really as bad as some...

Verloren June 7, 2020 10:00 am

I agree with you guys in that comparing Seungho with Sangwoo is foolish and only highlights people's ignorance. Seungho's not a psychopath. Unlike Sangwoo he can feel empathy and he doesn't go around abusing and killing people left and right. If anything he's spoiled, entitled and jaded and was born in a society and time where people of his status had the right to do a lot of shit.
- When it comes to Seungho raping Na-Kyum in the pavilion I don't think he was even aware that he was doing it at first. I mean, Seungho's used to having guys, and highborns at that, desire him and throw themselves at him. I believe he simply saw to punish Na-Kyum a bit (the head slam + rough sex). He even took Ji-hwa in a similar fashion outside, so I think he might not have realized just how awful of an experience it would be for our cinnamon roll. Indeed, it wasn't until he saw that Na-Kyum wasn't hard that he realized something was truly amiss and you can see that's he's both baffled and concerned.
- When he forced Na-Kyum to go down on him he was at first baffled and then angry over Na-Kyum's rejection. He had seen how Na-Kyum had behaved when he had believed he was In-hun in ch 21. It's evident that Seungho doesn't understand love and the concept of it. He doesn't understand why Na-Kyum desires In-hun and treats the two of them differently. He's a lord, so how can a lowborn think him inferior to a mere teacher and reject him? Since he desires Na-Kyum, it's no wonder it bothers him.
- As for the time he took Na-Kyum after he returned with In-hun after running away and basically fucked him into unconsciousness, I think SH was desperately trying to get Na-Kyum to desire and feel something for him (as many in his harem came to do so after he fucked them) while at the same time sort of claim his property. Na-Kyum suddenly running away in the middle of the night must also have reminded of the time when the entire household up and left him and so it's no wonder he wasn't in the best state of mind at the time.
- What we need to keep in mind when it comes to this particular webtoon is also the time and place of the setting. Things were different then to how they are now and people did not have the same values and beliefs. With Na-Kyum being a lowborn it'd make sense that SH would feel less bad about doing these kind of things (rape, coerced sex, threats of violence, etc.) because lowborns were basically treated like trash by society and he had been raised with that belief and expectation. We all reacted to the slap in ch 41, yet by the standards at the time that was in his rights to do.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to justify his actions (in fact I feel appalled by his actions and I feel so sorry for Na-Kyum my heart feels like it's gonna tear in two). I'm just trying to provide an explanation and a reason for why we can hope he'll redeem himself.

    ta mere June 7, 2020 6:01 pm

    omg i love your analysis

    Verloren June 7, 2020 6:30 pm
    omg i love your analysis ta mere

    thank u ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    sabass June 7, 2020 10:12 pm

    this is a good analysis. i just wish that seungho would treat nakyum better, maybe even give him the education he needs. i wish the rapes and sexual assaults never even happened because if they actually fall in love it would make it really wierd for todays standards. but ig for back then this wouldnt be as big of a deal.

    Ywei-chan June 9, 2020 12:45 pm

    This is such a good analysis. Im REALLY looking forward to his character development. I dont want to see our nakyum getting hurt again