She looks 16, and the series says she looks around 15 years old. Please stop the pedophile accusations and consider the cultural differences. Most countries have lower age of consent than USA
So? I think some country has the age of consent 12. Doesn't that make your skin crawl? Just because the country set the age line (on whatever basis) doesn't make it okay for an adult man prey on an underage girl...
So? I think some country has the age of consent 12. Doesn't that make your skin crawl? Just because the country set the age line (on whatever basis) doesn't make it okay for an adult man prey on an underage gir... Namika
The original comment was about age of consent, that we shouldn't call the hero from the story a pedophile, because the age of consent might be different. So I said that just because the age of consent might be lower, it doesn't make an adult courting an underaged okay...
The original comment was about age of consent, that we shouldn't call the hero from the story a pedophile, because the age of consent might be different. So I said that just because the age of consent might be ... Namika
She looks 16, and the series says she looks around 15 years old. Please stop the pedophile accusations and consider the cultural differences. Most countries have lower age of consent than USA