my opinion is that she is very clever. Even with the information presented to her by the bracelet, she still is good in decision -making and knows very well how to use the knowledge she acquired. Also, correct me if im wrong, the bracelet 'arc' was purchased only recently. This was pointed out when she said that she was glad to purchase it on sale. Which means that it hasnt been with her for that long. She is also smart with words as she can easily pursuade people. Sadly, her body is still 'weak' considering that the original princess didn't do any trainings. I am very happy that she makes an effort on that as seen with the exercises that she makes rather than miraculously being physically strong. In no time, she will be a splendid knight.
This is just my opinion but, I feel like currently she's relying on bribing people a bit? I wish she could have shown her strong points a bit more, I mean not liking jewelry/dresses/ML doesn't equal to being strong ya know? I'm assuming she lived almost her entire life with that bracelet so it's only natural that she knows how to use it and the bracelet is just telling her everything anyway so there isn't much for her to do ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭