Calliope family, are they count or marquis ?

Taechai June 6, 2020 1:45 am

Calliope family, are they count or marquis ?

    EmmJ June 6, 2020 2:19 am

    Count I think, There are a lot of families above them. Lady Samona is from a marquis house and they frequently describe her as being above them.

    hoedadoor June 6, 2020 6:19 am
    Count I think, There are a lot of families above them. Lady Samona is from a marquis house and they frequently describe her as being above them. EmmJ

    yeah cuz when you look at medieval aristocratic ranks,
    imperial family > duke (castillo) > marquis (samona) > count (pille?) > viscount > baron > lords/other nobles > etc
    btw, did they mention what rank yulian's family is?