*BIG SIGH* (yes, i went feral)

hamster_12 June 5, 2020 5:31 pm

Needless to say... (someone help me snap out of this anger)

I'm disappointed in the side story. The side story could have been longer, with more chapters. Of course, they forgave each other at the end (which I liked a bit), but they could have had more chapters for them to actually redeem themselves and get way more character development. The ending was rushed and abrupt. Instead of more chapters of MD and Chanwoo getting their redemption arc, both of them just come up with simple apologies and explanations, have make-up sex and suddenly end up with each other?!


Both of them made mistakes, and in order for them to be together in one chapter, they just forget about the play they did with the ex-sub? Something traumatizing like that could have took more than just 3-4 chapters to forget and become a couple. It takes LOTS of character development for them to actually become a couple in the side story because MD created the traumatizing play situation and Chanwoo got traumatized from/broke down in the situation.

Chanwoo could have healed himself in more chapters and MD could have reflected on his mistake or something like that. Instead, we got one chapter of them having sex then being a couple. MEGA OOF.

    arandompersonthatlikes yaoi June 5, 2020 5:15 pm

    You see the problem with these authors is that they don't ever take the time for character development and just want to rush the whole story because they are fed up and don't know how to make proper plot for the development this story has so much potential the side one did if she would have just taken the time to actually come up with something worth wild then this could have been like one of the best side stories but she just rushed and went on about her day

    looololol June 5, 2020 6:48 pm

    re-fucking tweet. i hate how they just laughed it off and how to the very end md didn’t apologize for shit and mostly shifted the blame by telling chanwoo none of this would have happened if he had just accepted his confession

    xielian_inlove June 5, 2020 7:14 pm

    yea.. also, we never got to know why Chanwoo was in abusive relationships in the first place and how he got to be so masochistic. *le sigh*

    RecessiveGene June 5, 2020 7:55 pm
    re-fucking tweet. i hate how they just laughed it off and how to the very end md didn’t apologize for shit and mostly shifted the blame by telling chanwoo none of this would have happened if he had just accep... looololol

    lol he even apologised for being a "dumbass". this has to be a joke right