About falling in love in manga

hunterx2 June 5, 2020 4:07 pm

Sometimes, I really end up dropping things because I can't believe the reason the character is so head over heels for someone. Like, it's just so ridiculous that I have to stop.

Like, it really is absurd sometimes. You'll have FL be in love to the point of death because after spending 3 hours in the rose garden, a prince walks by and says "You smell nice, like roses." and then walks away. Girl, at that point its not even a compliment, it's a statement. What else are you supposed to smell like?

Then you'll have sons be in love with their adoptive parent because "You were there for us when no one else was." And I'm just like, what else should a parent do? Brothers falling in love with their step sibling who they've known since age 5 and it be for mundane stuff like, "You gave me cookies at Christmas~" or "You checked up on me when I was sick."

All I'm saying is, I'd like a little more effort to be put into the why if they are gonna take the time to tell me anyway. But just don't tell me if you are gonna come with "You picked up my eraser in the hallway."

    DED =_= June 5, 2020 4:37 pm

    I fell asleep halfway while readin'