I added my recap with Yeesh's recap. Note this is long... Story summary: Yeesh's recap f...

My recap and Yeesh recap added June 5, 2020 3:52 pm

I added my recap with Yeesh's recap. Note this is long...

Story summary:

Yeesh's recap first:

Yeesh' recap:

Yeesh: "Ok! So, basically, it's been 4 years since Yashiro "forgot" Doumeki after he got extremely injured by Hirata--the guy that Yashiro was trying to expose in earlier chapters.

(If you don't remember that much, let me know and I'll go into more detail on that situation).

Yashiro is now running an illegal casino/financial backer, and Doumeki has joined a new yakuza group (after leaving Yashiro's yakuza group).

Now, both Yashiro and the yakuza group Doumeki joined are separately chasing this guy named Kido.

Kido owes Yashiro's business money (which is why Yashiro is chasing him), and Kido is also wanted by the yakuza for a hit and run on one of their men (which is why Doumeki is chasing him).

Most recently, Doumeki learned that Yashiro was also chasing Kido and found out about Yashiro new casino/financial backer.

To explain the first scene in chapter 40, Doumeki is trying to find out more about Yashiro's actions. (Also, the phone call the guy was asking about in chapter 40 was the one Doumeki made at the end of chapter 39 to ask about where Yashiro was-- Note: I just wanna make sure that conversation doesn't confuse you when you get there).

I really hope this helps!! Let me know if you need more than that." [Yeesh]

*My recap: I added more info.*

Me: "Someone asked if Yashiro knew about Doumeki new life with a different group. 

I am going to say, most likely not.

*One* of the reasons Yashiro left Doumeki is because Yashiro didn't want Doumeki to be a yakuza. 

Which is why Yashiro pretended to have amnesia. Remember that Yashiro was hit in the head in the attack. *See Chapter 34, page 36.

At the hospital, Yashiro stated that he had no memory of Doumeki due to the head injury. [*See Chapter 35, page 34 and also *See Chapter 35.5 page 3 - page 7.]

(Note: At chapter 22, page 25, Yashiro notes that Doumeki has only worked with Yashiro for 3 months.)

Which is why the amnesia story isn't farfetched, Yashiro is stating that he lost his memory of the last three months with Doumeki.

Yashiro is lying and everyone knows he is lying, but it's still a "believable" lie.

So Yashiro pushed Doumeki away to protect Doumeki.

Side note: (And Yashiro also pushed Doumeki away to protect himself, emotionally)...

Yashiro wanted Doumeki to have a normal life, like before he met Yashiro. Also Yashiro doesn't believe that he, himself, is deserving of a normal/happy life. He feels that his childhood broke him and it is too late to fix him. *He said something like this in Chapter 34, pages 26-29.*

But, Yashiro can still save Doumeki, he is not in too deep. And Doumeki only tie to the yakuza life is Yashiro.

For Doumeki's part, Doumeki realizes that his only tie to Yashiro is being a yakuza. So instead of leaving the yakuza life after Yashiro left him, Doumeki went further in, thereby permanently bonding himself with Yashiro. 

He is doing the opposite of what Yashiro wanted. 

This is why Yashiro is shocked when he finds out that Doumeki is the person with all of the scars on his face. 

Note: Triggers for Yashiro

-Doumeki getting injured is one of Yashiro's triggers.

*See Chapter 20, page 36 [Yashiro is having a flashback of Doumeki getting shot, the bullet grazed Doumeki's check; which resulted in a scar]. *See 10.5, page 14- page 15. And *See Chapter 11 pages 8 - 9.

-And another trigger for Yashiro is Doumeki acting violent, in relation to his yakuza life/work, aka Doumeki acting like a yakuza.

*See Chapter 12, page 7 and *See Chapter 13, page 9 for Yashiro's flashback of Doumeki being violent.

The scars on Doumeki's face: In a way, it's literally Doumeki "cutting" ties with his old life (the former police/morally pure guy) and trying his best to stay with Yashiro by becoming a "full-yakuza".

Again, this is the opposite of what Yashiro wanted for Doumeki.

Note: Doumeki only had the cut on his cheek when Yashiro last saw him. So the description of a scary man with scars wouldn't have caused Yashiro to think she was talking about Doumeki.

Which is also why Yashiro is shocked it's Doumeki she referring to in her description.

Lastly, starting at Chapter 35, page 39, 4 years have passed (aka 4 years later).

*35.5 is a flashback chapter.*

Stories Time Log:

Time: Chapter 1 to Chapter 35, page 38 is about 4 or 5 months long (added 1 to 2 months of hospital recovery for Yashiro and Doumeki).

Chapter 22, page 25 is 3 month into them knowing each other.

Chapter 35, page 39 and everything from chapter 36 and after (not including flashbacks) is 4 years later.

So, Yashiro and Doumeki have known each other for 4 years and 3 months. But, they have been apart more then they have been together in those 4 years in 3 months.

And they feel in love within 3 months of meeting."

I know it is long, but I decided to put it in one comment thread.

    707erroruser June 5, 2020 3:56 pm

    Holy crap thank you so much for thiss

    Laica June 5, 2020 6:11 pm

    Thank you thank you thank you so much for this

    Ueddy June 5, 2020 6:25 pm

    Thank you so so much for the well detailed explanation, I really needed this(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    hunnishka June 5, 2020 10:31 pm

    Thank you so much
    I almost forgot about Yashiro's "amnesia "
    After reading your comment i remembered he pretended like he didn't remember Doumeki