Missing scenes

SilkThrussy85 June 4, 2020 6:39 pm

The panels with Sid is missing some scenes. It would make the conversation after they had sex more cohesive

    Kat June 4, 2020 6:51 pm

    Yeah, I’m also having trouble following some of the story. But I think the last chapter before this one was the future, and this chapter was kind of taking a step back and explaining the previous chapter’s events (if that makes sense.) I could also totally be interpreting it wrong.

    SilkThrussy85 June 4, 2020 7:18 pm

    I really wanna know what was said between them for Jin to ask Sid if he had feelings for him. And in the last chapter I was wondering how tf he found out about Do Gyeong being a door. This chapter reveals it was whoever else that is inside Jin.

    Kat June 4, 2020 7:23 pm
    I really wanna know what was said between them for Jin to ask Sid if he had feelings for him. And in the last chapter I was wondering how tf he found out about Do Gyeong being a door. This chapter reveals it wa... SilkThrussy85

    yeah :/ well, it shows Sid telling Jin about Do Gyeong being a door in this chapter, but yeah... I’m unsure how Jin came to the realization that Sid cares for him. I mean, he talks about how he’s always healed (like when he came out of the hospital, and when Sid left those scratches on his body) and he makes the correlation that Sid is the one healing him, so maybe this realization is shown to the reader without being explicitly stated through dialogue.