The title doesn't really tell you who River ends up with and the new cover shows Heil too btw.
He died as the god of pain's groom but that is over. Looking back at the prologue we can infer that he eventually forgives khoal and when he looks back on the past he doesn't regret meeting him but it doesn't leave you with the sense of their being together at the end.
Honestly same. I really didn't expect it to take the turn that it did with Khaol and River. I assumed it would be the typical "he acts like he doesn't care, but he does" and step up... then he DIDN'T. I've read some really ill-advised relationship in mangas/mahwas, and legitimately couldn't keep reading. Like people being obsessed with the "love" of Harlequinn and Joker.
Khaol and River forgiving each other and moving on is fine, but if they end up together... just no.
What would be beautiful is for Khaol to get past his need for power, and for him and Kaveri? to move on to reincarnation together.
Me started to read this: wow. There a god that has white hair and looks handsome. There's also a cute guy. And another handsome long-haired guy with black hair.
Me reading the middle chapters: Loves heil but still ship khaol and river. Also pities Heil
Me nearing the end of latest chapters: Swearing to Khaol because he threw away river and i also started to ship Heil and River.
Me reading latest chapter: Wow!!! Seriously Khaol you're fucking brave huh. Sending a letter to River. Did you forget how much damage you've dealt to him because you choose to ignore the fact that lari is trying to kill river because Kari said that by doing this your lover will be back to Earth.
Me after reading all of this: Hmm... Heil and River should really end up together. Heil' s the best boy. I'm also wondering how the author will make Khaol and River end up together. I don't ship them now because I really Really HATE Khaol right now. But despite me hating Khaol now we all know khaol and river are going to end up together I mean seriously the title of this says it all. Because with things right now I will really hate this manhua(?)/Manhwa(?)if Khaol and River ends up together