
Mozzarelly June 4, 2020 2:16 am

ehhhhhhhhhhh i see that the author was going for angst but they really did make md take it too far. chanwoo was literally sexually assaulted he objected to what was going on multiple times and was clearly uncomfortable. I know they're fictional characters but we really shouldnt glamorize this dynamic in fiction. people saying "thats what he gets for not saying yes to md" are just insane in my opinion. honestly this is just bad writing, its a situation used to create melodrama. From the creation of this character that used chanwoo to meet with md to that whole scene we just witnessed. the situation of md trying to mend a relationship with chanwoo could have been dramatic and interesting without the rape and melodrama i think.

    alvasux June 4, 2020 2:31 am

    say it again please, bc that literally explains what just happened, ppl are siding w MD bc this is what "bdsm" is like and that ChAnWoO DeSeRvE tHAt SlAp, like tf not he didnt and this isnt bdsm, that was just abuse, he saw how hurt chanwoo was, yet he put him up w the same guy who used him, chanwoo was mistreated and MD didnt like that, but chanwoo turned him down for probably being confused and thats okay, but a lotta ppl dont see it which makes my eyes bleed,,, and ik they're just fictional characters but still, it annoys me when ppl side others for dumb reasons.