I actually am one of the ones that kinds of hate her. I am not saying she is evil or asking for her to walk to the ML and passionately kiss him. Don't get me wrong I want to see romance at some point but right now I just want that for god damn sake she treats him like a person and not a friking wall she happens to run into now and again. Is so annoying and with all the dude possible defects I just feel terrible for him. This is no way to treat anyone.

Brove, not disagreeing, but she literally just witnessed him drag a bloody, dead looking body while talking to her. No sane person would think, “huh, maybe I should treat that person kindly”. she basically thinks what he did there was to warn her to not get in his way, or else she’ll end up like the dragged body. ALSO, she read a book that described the person he was supposed to be, HES DANGEROUS. He has bodies hidden in his basement. OFC she would freeze up in fear everytime they meet.
He also doesn’t communicate well, to ease her worries of dying if she does one thing wrong, not saying that’s his fault, just a fact. So that’s also a factor into why she’s acting the way she is.
He has an emotionless face, doesn’t seem to understand basic human emotions because of his experience, AND they barely talk? Sounds like a perfect recipe for the biggest misunderstanding.

I mean didn't she already read their family is not normal?! why does she so surprised about it? did she even READ the novel?! and she do know that the father got the same horrible education like the son, right? has much has you say it is wrong when you grow up with those things all your life how you suppose to get out of this with no external help or psychologist?
her bias attitude is actually very harmful at this point cause she ignores the reality that both of them are victims of this family that make them be this way! and if she works with children before it does not make sense she act so bias like this! she really dumb and have zero common sense.
has for the duke why should he try anything with her if she always running away? there is zero communication and she does not LISTEN! he should have killed her if this story made any sense.

This is my interpretation of the situation, so I’m not saying that what you said is wrong, btw, don’t wanna make more enemies.
BUT, in the beginning, she claims that the reason her son is like that is because of the abuse of the old mother. Implying that she DIDNT know of the of his true nature AND the real reason as to why he’s an actual villain (aka the lessons). It’s obvious that in the beginning, she only thought that the reason for becoming a villain was because of the abuse from the mother, but she realise or THINKS that the father is also involved in turning an “innocent child” into a monster. in the beginning she didn’t know the family was weird asf, she gradually uncovers it by being staying there longer.
You’re thinking this from everyone’s perspectives, but from only HER perspective, avoiding her husband, who conducts lessons for his son to get poisoned and beaten, is the right choice in her survival. From her perspective, the Duke is someone who is ruthless enough to apply pain and hardships on an innocent boi.
ALSO ALSO (lmao) the novel probably didn’t go in full depth of how and why the villain is like that! Because the villain in the novel isn’t the main character or the sole male lead, so, I’m just guessing at this point, the OG writer probs just wrote “after years of handling the abuse from his step mother, he had enough and killed her” or smth like that.
This is all just a theory and a interpretation btw! We can agree to disagree, actually after reading what u wrote I was like, “my argument don’t make no sense now” lmao.

not picking any fight lol just answering to your points (⌒▽⌒)
okay let's assume she doesn't know anything about this family other than the abusive mother, that's even more reason to her to investigate this family history and roots even more if she really wanted to "help" the child and make him be different.
again you can't help someone without knowing his full history, especially if you are a teacher or someone that takes care of children.
but what did she do instead: she becomes totally bias to one side without even trying to understand his family first. which is very bad to do cause siding with one side will prevent you from seeing the bigger picture - often the bigger picture is VERY IMPORTANT in abuse families. if you are biased to one side you could never give the proper help even if your reasons are good.
second she not only ignore the father, the root of the problems, she also totally ignores the place she is in right now! the era she is in not the same has her modern world. and if he really wanted to hurt her as she thinks, if she has bothered to think with common sense he would have hurt her a long time ago. if she was adult women she would have tried to get over her fear for the sake of the child she wants to protect and trying to understand this family history and why it means to be a duchess in this world.
but no she say let's ignore all this cause it's too much work to think and fangirl over a child I just meet cause he is super handsome and cute ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ that sounds sooo dumb for the plot. I'm sorry but this plot is just dumb. there is no other way to say this.

I never said she has to act kindly or friendly towards him just have basic manners acknowledging that there is someone else in room and not just ignore their existence. I she is so terrified with his existence shouldn't she try not to get on his bad side? Jet whenever he actually trays to communicate with her she ignores him. A person that already has a hard time communicating and understanding basic human interaction is trying but every time he tries she just keeps ignoring him if he is so terrible how come he hasn't snap at her attitude. I myself due to her behavior would be already done the sh*t and would have stop bothering to interact with already. Also I know she doesn't know what the situation of that lead to the "death" of person so makes sense she is scared, but as I said before the dude has not done anything to her and presumably married her for a reason so killing her is very unlikely as it wont benefit him at all. He keeps talking about the family and how important the status and education is i am pretty sure killing your wife is not beneficial in anyway and certainly not the same as killing a servant or a random person independently of the reasons behind it. In conclusion she has nothing to lose if she were to treat him like a person unlike keeping giving him the could shoulder because this might eventually end up making him mad. Therefore as a scared person treating the person you are scared of badly might cause your demise. Therefore just treat him like a person is not that difficult and in the long run doing so wont harm her in any way.

I agree with you in certain aspect and I understand that you are frustrated with her bulls*t, me too. But if he did not kill her before when she was a be*sh it doesn't make sense for him to kill her now except perhaps because she is getting on the way of the child education but he might see this a something the child has to overcome or he wants to see his child revel his true nature to her or maybe at the bottom of his heart he wished that someone would have done the same for him, when he was just a child and had to surfer the same all alone.

I am understand what you mean but as I keep saying nothing justifies what she is doing nor her fear or anger although her stupidity and bias might. Firstly I understand she wants to help the child grow as good person because is the right ting to do and she doesn't want to be murder by him. okay. But the actual person in power right now with everything to keep her alive or kill her is the dad. This is made more clear as she saw them handling a bloody body like a sack of potatoes. And jet due to whatever reason she treats the murder badly is prosperously trying to get on his bad side? As things are right now is much more likely that she is going to be killed by the and in the it will be her fault cause she couldn't talk to him like a normal person. Also back to the subject of her not knowing about the dad's past of course she doesn't even though he directly told her "I was trained the same way." but she is too blinded by the pretty child to stop and consider that the dude didn't just woke up one day and was like "Lest feed poison to my child that sure will make him stronger." And yes I do think your theory makes vary little sense.
Ps: No hate in this just expressing my opinion in the simplest way I could, there might be some sarcasm in it but that's about it.
Ps: I still can't help but kind of hate her.

You know how I was defending her in the beginning? I hate her now too . I really had hope she would change her opinion on this man after being in the same world as him for a bit, but I’m honestly crying at how desperately he wants to hang out with them, and SHE CANT LET GO OF ONE EVENT THAT HAPPENED ARGHHH I HATE HER. LIKE DOES SHE THINK? IF HES BEEN COMING TO YOU GUYS AND TRYING TO AWKWARDLY START A CONVERSATION, HOW BAD CAN HE BE?? AND HES YOUR HUSBAND EVEN IF YOU DIDNT REALLY MARRY HIM BUT FUCK!
Personally I think it's a sweet story... Everyone is getting annoyed with the FL but I think once the chemistry between the ML and FL builds up. It would be adorbs. So PATIENCCCEE (●'◡'●)ノ