lemoncakes June 3, 2020 4:01 pm

Sorry guys im a bit confused about the sweets? I cant remember their significance?? Who gave who the sweets? Why did Qui Tian keep them?

    Nim_say June 3, 2020 4:37 pm

    Lin Hang knew Qiu was lying from the start so he gave the sweets to Qiu. The reason is because Lin wants to see if Qiu eats them or keeps them as a sign he was actually with Lin(friends). The time Lin Hang asked them if they tasted sweet Qiu said yes but Lin Hang knew he was lying because the sweets were actually bitter candy

    Nim_say June 3, 2020 4:40 pm

    Or there are notes in the candy saying that Lin Hang knew from the beginning. Idk

    lemoncakes June 3, 2020 9:07 pm
    Lin Hang knew Qiu was lying from the start so he gave the sweets to Qiu. The reason is because Lin wants to see if Qiu eats them or keeps them as a sign he was actually with Lin(friends). The time Lin Hang aske... Nim_say

    Ooh! Thank you!