Thank you so much for uploading it here. Cause I an kinda hooked up on it. But I would lik...

miss_tanukichan June 3, 2020 1:37 am

Thank you so much for uploading it here. Cause I an kinda hooked up on it. But I would like to suggest to both the uploader-samas that instead of posting same chapter at a twice, why don't you guys make it alternate chapters. Reading both version I feel the difference isn't much and moreover the efforts of the fan translations is going in vain.

    BelovedRose June 3, 2020 1:42 am

    I see differences. 39.5 has a big difference.

    Wolfgang June 3, 2020 1:51 am

    As a reader, there's a big difference and I'd rather have the option to choose which one to read. Also the original translater didn't like the idea of the fan translators taking over so...

    Mi Amore Anon June 3, 2020 1:54 am

    The fan translation group told me to tell you. There are many difference and some major ones in the earlier chapters. They want to get the real story out. The true personalities. A consistent story that does not contradict itself. They don’t feel like it is not in vain. But they way it is set up. It is not going to change. It is your choice and you have two choices. Or three if you want to read both.

    Mi Amore Anon June 3, 2020 2:02 am
    As a reader, there's a big difference and I'd rather have the option to choose which one to read. Also the original translater didn't like the idea of the fan translators taking over so... Wolfgang

    Or read both. I think if given the chance when it is all said and done. The two will be similar but completely different. Almost two different stories but similar. The original translater?

    miss_tanukichan June 3, 2020 1:31 pm

    There is no doubt but my point is since we were going with the original version of tapas we didn't have any problem and also it's basically the same Manhwa we are talking about so even if of the chapter do get skipped by the fan translations and instead if they just add the tapas version then it won't effect the flow in any major way. Cause it's not some rocket science kinda story where we need the exact translations or else we won't understand a single line. We basically know how the story is moving forward. And i'm thankful to the uploaders for taking the time to replay to mt queries but I think I'm saying this on a more practicle manner. And this might sound coming very from big a mere reader like me but instead of uploading it twice you guys can add your skills on a different work also. Cause you guys have amazing scanlations skills. Thank you.

    Wolfgang June 3, 2020 8:31 pm
    Or read both. I think if given the chance when it is all said and done. The two will be similar but completely different. Almost two different stories but similar. The original translater? Mi Amore Anon

    I accidentally said original translator when I meant the original uploader (tapas version)

    Mi Amore Anon June 3, 2020 8:35 pm
    I accidentally said original translator when I meant the original uploader (tapas version) Wolfgang

    There as been a few uploaders and I think you are referring to Lack of A Name. Lack of A Name stop uploading Tapas for a few reasons and is now uploading the fan translations. The third option is fan translations that Lack of A Name talked about.