Okay, you don't want him sad, but doesn't change the fact that he put himself in this position.
And me, as many others, regardless of being chill or not ('cause I am), should be allowed to express their likes and dislikes the same way you like him. I don't and have the reasons listed above. That's all.
I just wanted him to pay for his crimes (breaking people's legs and ruining their social life, rape and the list can go on). Too many people got hurt for him being, not acting like a piece of shit. Then afterwards he could treat himself, in regards to his mental health, because I can bet that for his victims nothing was the same.

I completely agree with you. And people, some of them, act like that is not that much of a deal, so he could still end with his abuser.
For me it pains me to see the panel of the prequel (around the last chapters) were Chiwoo was looking at the window of his bedroom (after the rape situation) with such sad and lifeless eyes. He was so skinny and looked so hurt. When I think about how scared and how we puked after seeing his rapist again broke my heart. Seeing him being coerced and cornered was painful.
So, was liberating that he decided to cut his toxic ass away. He needed that, he found the strength to let it go and not give in to his childhood memories to keep allowing himself to be hurt ever again. So people disregarding his strength, resilence and mental fortitude to pick himself again is really low. That's how I feel.

There are so many yaoi manga and manhwas with romanticised rape, and ppl have been arguing about it so much, at this point, for me, I feel like arguing about a person's morals bc of yaoi manga preferences is just dumb. But like you said, this ended so differently. Chiwoo was so messed up after. And it didn't just end with the rape. So I also don't really get the support of the Jihyun and Chiwoo ship, all that much. I want to see how the author deals with development for Jihyun, yes, but like him happy? I mean, can we just see him pay the consequences first. I don't think we should see him happy, before we see what he's done to repay for all the crimes he has commited. Not just to Chiwoo, but to other ppl too.

I'm not romanticizing rape, before anyone says it, however I do feel that it's fine for Jihyun to be in the story, I mean he can stay and than leave? Like not end up with Chiwoo cause it's fine for Chiwoo to stay with Kyujin. He's done so much for Chiwoo so it's only fair;however, this is a character that despite what he did some people enjoy and just want to see him grow from being a bad guy instead of leaving him that way. I think so many people just focus on him being a "rapist" but the moment, let's say Kyujin turns around and does something no one would speak out against him? No offense Kyujin currently just slightly is giving my possessiveness vibes in first chapter but maybe because he doesn't want him to get hurt but I dont hate Kyujin. Idk I just think people just need to focus on the current story than just the fact that Jihyun was a rapist, that's not what the story is about..

Good for you that decided to focus on seeing beyond his crime.
But that doesn't mean others didn't. I saw and still don't give a damn about his abusive toxic ass, IT'S my decision as a reader to take the story as I feel. And focusing on my boy Chiwwo getting justice and happiness.
I won't spare a thought about the rapist, because, Chiwoo is my priority in this story. How others enjoy him, J (questionable even), but it's their choice. But humanising and minimising his crime is a no. Nothing excuses rape, he was conscious and knew what he was doing. No background will make me look at him differently.
After reading yaoi for 14 years, the mere fact that rape trope has been romanticized in this category is sicking. I dislike even more when no focus touch upon the pain the victims goes, is just puff "I always loved you and that erases the abuse I suffered". Some are touching nowadays, and straying away from that trope and makes me happy, that there is growth in this industry. Is like how easily American movies used to send implicit if not explicit ideas that only people from a certain ethnic group could be terrorists, but today people would drag those movies and they wouldn't get as much dime as in the past.
I think people are just used to read toxic people getting what they wanted, being happy that is despite the hurt they caused and desensitized when they don't get the target of their affection they freak out. That should be the norm, even in fiction. I even like the fact that people questioned, that if the rapist wasn't "hot" no one would be trying to get his side. Is a critic some did when watching 50 shades of grey, if that millionaire wasn't "handsome", and had a house falling apart, the girl would have been calling the police.
I do focus on the current one, that Chiwoo was living the best life along a lovely partner to have his rapist, return and trying to get friendly, like, really? He could just stay where he, cause no one was missing him (I mean the main couple and everyone he hurt).
We can disagree, and it's fine.
So let people express and support how they want, without brushing over their mistakes.
The same way that people want to see the good in a rapist, I want him to pay and repent far away. I want my boys (already doing it) to keep being healthy and being able to communicate their feelings. I am glad (I did read the raws) that they ended together and can build a future together.
That's for being respectful while answering
PS: I am not a native English speaking person (Portuguese is the main one), so if I committed any mistake that leads to any misunderstanding in my writing I apologise.

Firstly to start off: It is fine, I make mistakes in English all the time, also it's okay if you disagree with me; I mean these things happen if no one disagreee the whole comment section would be best friends until the end of time. I would just like to respond back to certain points you made, not to be rude I swear it but just to further clarify how I'm feeling or parts I agree on is all.
When I wanted people to just focus on the story it doesn't mean that you cant focus on the character that you want. That is completely fine;however, I think characters and plots are two different things. I'm not trying to force anyone to follow my view but I just think it'd be nice if we focused less on the negativity and more on the story as a whole like the plot. I know alot of people hate Jihyun but he isnt the main focus so I just don't (well I do) see why y'all should be so bummed out. If y'all really want to focus on Chiwoo and Kyujin like y'all said why not just do so? Why even bother with Jihyun when yall can just ignore him all together. Just be like: Welp "he's back" and than just go right back to lovely Chiwoo and Kyujin. And no way am I saying as a reader you dont have the right to interpret or focus on what you want.
Also, I am not civilizing or minimizing Jihyun rapping Chiwoo, what makes you think that? I do however feel that within the story, Jihyun has returned, who knows what his intentions are it's probably his way of repenting by closing and settling things once and for all and he has a right to that. Now it'll be different if Chiwoo placed a restraining order and said he never ever ever wanted to see Jihyun again;however, those wasnt Chiwoo's words. He said he wanted to end their friendship or what ever relationship they had between them and for Jihyun to go to study abroad. So to say Jihyun should disappear I mean...I don't know but I do know that Jihyun and Chiwoo needs to settle things and create peace so there's absolutely nothing that can come back and affect them. They both need to live healthily not just one.
I do agree with you though with how Yaoi romanticize rape and that is crazy. Its honestly silly though because people pick and choose exactly when they want to get angry for like something when it comes to rape. This for example, some people are demeaning Jihyun, however, they'd go read something like killing stalking and never have a problem. It's weird or this one story I saw when some guy just randomly interact in sexual acts with his "crush" without proper consent but no one spoke out about that. I never get why people pick and choose when or when not to discuss about rape. Also, I do not excuse or favor Jihyun because he is good looking. Sure he is drawn handsomely but that is not why I favor Jihyun. It's just because I truly feel sad about how his character was written without any justice. I just have a weak heart to those things I dont know why. I never liked he was a rapist or abused Chiwoo but I just wanted him to change so he's not like that so he has a reason to be a good guy, so I can have a little faith in his character. It sucks to be written as the bad guy in a story and your forced to just be that character without any good qualities so that's why I was happy to see him change because you can see how hard he's actually trying. I feel that at least deserves some credit but oh well.
Now I do feel people can honestly be mad if Jihyun goes back to his old ways but what if this time it's not Jihyun but Kyujin? Than what? What would you guys do? Just think (or not) in terms about that
Just because they seem perfect not doesnr mean something would happen later. Now I dont think Kyujin would ever hurt Chiwoo and I hope not but you have to keep all options open (or not lol) but yes. You make excellent points in your statement and I agree or some points with what your trying to say because I completely understand and I'm glad there are more stories with actual storylines and developing relationships even with mature content. And I don agree that they need to express how the victims feel and how they are affected and not just: oh you love me? Yea I can forgive you for rapping me. So I understand your frustration when it comes to Jihyun.
At the end of the day I am not shipping Jihyun with Chiwoo. I just wanted Jihyun to be healthy mentally and happy. I dont want him to continue to be a "rapist" and nothing but a "rapist" because I know and hope their's good in him some where.

Thanks for being respectful while answering. I did not feel you were rude in any way. I do see where you're coming from and I don't deny any of that.
First point: people will focus on what is interesting for them or what resonates with them. If the "negativity" (right or wrong we don't know) is the part, is okay. Most are not dismissing the other factors, that this one, liking J or not, he set the nail in his coffin. He was hurt yes, and he knew and kept doing it. This part, of not learning is the difficult one. We do focus on the couple, but the same way that people are showing they would like to get J and Chiwoo together, we question why? People liked him, yeah, debatable, but want him with Chiwoo, yikes, scary.
The same way your heart hurts for J, is the same for others when they see how much Chiwoo had to go through and come to terms with his past. He's not just a victim, a survivor and I want, and others to want him to be mentally healthy too. Because we don't know how hard it was to not let what happened to him to stop him from pursuing happiness (well we do, if we read the prequel).
About creating peace, is it really necessary? Yeah, J apologizing may lift some of the dark parts, because most don't even think about apologizing about the pain they caused to others. So what? Chiwoo not forgiving him was the minimum, and it's okay to not forgive someone, as long as it doesn0t stop you from living. He just did not want to have anything with him anymore, he was exhausted. Rightfully so.
About the examples of how people are selective in their rape outrage, I do agree as well, because I've seen it. But for me as a reader (fujoshi), I learned while growing how wrong that mindset was. The idea of consent and sexual assault was never explained to me in the beginning, so when I questioned and researched I'd find out why I was always uncomfortable. I may have not been as vocal back then, because most were following the "forgiving your abuser trope". Now we are breaking free (a step at the time) from this mould and is good.
J trying to change, at least for me, doesn't deserve a cookie for that (for me again). That's barely the minimum decency for what he did. Like, do we know if he had the same energy in apologizing for his other victims? Innocents were hurt, families probably are broken. I have a weak hurt for people that get hit in the fan while doing nothing, I feel bad for unrelated people that are ruined because someone had a sob story and decided to make others feel the same.
So far, about Kyujin, if he does the same as J, I will wish Chiwoo to leave his ass too. I don't support abusers. I would be mad, disappointed as well, but will wish his ass to get dragged too. Chiwoo deserves to be happy. From what I've read in the raws, Kyujin and Chiwoo are doing well until the end.
In the end, you (gladly) don't ship them together, however, we just disagree about our feelings towards J. And it's okay, you hope for him to overcome the label he created himself, while I just want him to repent more. Because others were more than a "victim" and they deserved to have good in their lives as well.
Sorry for the long essay.
Hope we reached an understanding. Peace
It's really sad that some have so much love and empathy towards the rapist, but where is that energy for the victim?
Like, can people spare some thoughts on Chiwoo, for going through isolation, threats, coercion, sexual assault, rape? Having no one to help him at the time. Can you imagine his mom, watching him break after what he experienced?? And I bet she doesn't know it. Since most male victims of sexual assault never report their cases? He could have committed suicide. He was torn apart by someone he trusted and saw as a friend? Can people even understand the level of betrayal and violence he experienced??
"Aw, he suffered so he deserves to be happy", yeah so the same for Chiwoo. He suffered enough pain, so he deserves to be free from the source of this pain.
His first reaction was disgust after seeing J. Yeah some yaoi if not majority goes with the path of falling in love with your rapist trope, but this one doesn't.
He cried, so we feel bad for J tears, but what about Chiwoo, did we see how many times he cried, how he felt about his body, about being with someone else?
No matter how hurt Chiwoo was, he never did the same back to anyone, so why, why would someone want together with someone that almost destroyed his life.
Chiwoo deserved to be happy, more than anyone, and he got his happiness. NO matter what, in the actual story, he ended with the best and healthy choice.
Kudos for the author for the amazing story, and a proper ending.