To be honest while going through the chapters, I was expecting it to get better and need to continue reading so that I can give an honest response to the manhwa and this response is my own personal opinion. It will be too biased to say that this manhwa is a cringe fest if I only read ‘till the first chapter.

Then from that standpoint you just made, shouldn’t you read the entire thing before calling it a ‘cringe fest’ for an actual honest review?
That phrase is quite harsh and undeserving for such a unique & interesting story that the author probably went through a lot to create. If you can’t keep up, might I suggest going to a manhwa with a simpler plot for your enjoyment?
I‘m not usually so blunt, but your faulty critiques and the way you’re stuck up on your imaginary high horse are not very pleasant.
(Also oops, meant to dislike instead.)

Let me stop you with the word “Unique”. There’s no uniqueness in this manhwa. The plot is overused already and there are less who actually is decent read with an overused plot.
And this is my honest review until the latest chapter of this manhwa. Of course, I’m planning to change that review once the manga is marked completed. For now, this is the first review I can give based on the very first chapter until the latest.
Also, do you honestly think that this manhwa is not simple as you suggest me to find a simple one? If I want something so simple, this manhwa will be my go to. I’ve read a lot of manhwa involving this OVERUSED PLOT to say that this manhwa is not unique.
P.S. Don’t worry. If this manhwa can ever be completed, the recent review I gave might change and maybe our opinions by then will fit each other’s taste. ;)

Not that you should, but if you ever make that next review, I strongly recommend you to take a thorough look at the definition of ‘unique.’
It’s quite well known that this manhwa stems from a concept that’s fairly popular to readers. However, that is where the similarities start to end and the manhwa has its own take of it. If you’re able to, a list of other manhwas that have a take AS similar to this one would be great — not that I’m planning on replying to this again though as I’ve said all that I needed to say here.
As someone who’s read quite a bit, I can see its similarities AND its differences. I have no trouble with its similarities and its differences are interesting & enjoyable enough in a way that make me want to continue. This is not a perfect nor absolutely phenomenal manhwa and even has a few cringey moments, but BY NO MEANS is it a cringe fest. If this is what it takes for you to call it a cringe fest, then wait till you read an actual one. Its plot is also NOT OVERUSED in this case; the popularity and rating of this manhwa here speaks for itself.
I had not meant for you to take it in a different way, but I suggested you to read a manhwa with a simpler plot instead because you had said you weren’t able to keep up with this one and it was ‘becoming a hassle.’
I TRULY think it’d be in your best interest to move to another manhwa if you‘re having difficulties and aren’t finding enjoyment from this one, rather than forcing yourself to continue reading and make reviews that no one really asked for.
Reading manhwas should be for enjoyment. Unless there is a severe issue that needs to be brought up, just stop reading a manhwa if you don’t like it. There’s no need to complicate and add unnecessary negativity to the mix.

No one also asked for your opinion nor reply on my review, but here we are right now.
I can give a review on any manhwa that I read and my opinion is for you to accept or not and I don’t care in any other way. I said it was overused and it will still be overused. I said that there is nothing unique about it and again, nothing is unique about it.
If you find the manhwa unique and beautiful, then good for you, but let me remind you that not all people has the same taste as you. You also don’t have any right to dictate what should I do or not do.
If you find my comment triggering, then the internet is not for you. My aim is not to spread negativity, but to share my own stance on this manhwa. Reading your own opinion is okay for me and I respect that, but the way you attack someone and dictating what they should do is out of your boundary.
Stay happy and “Unique” ;)

Why are you insisting that this is unique? The essence of this manga is a reincarnation fantasy plot where mc is reborn as a baby. Up until this point it's mainly just been cute stuff where everyone is taken by Lippe and 'o shes so smart, and cute' whatever. Pretty much every single reborn as a baby follows this. You keep saying it's unique and you can see the difference, but you never say where it's different? Also ratings and popularity dont mean much other than it's popular lol so Im not too sure what you were trying to prove there.
Critism and different opinions should be welcomed. The whole "don't like it don't read it" mentality I find is sorta dumb. It's like, someone finds an issue with this? Nope! theyre not aloud to say it. The only thing allowed in the comments is praise. LOL
Another cringe fest manhwa, but decent in terms of art work. The story itself is very predictable and the flow from the middle chapters to the latest became confusing as a lot of events are happening all at one that it became quite a hassle to get a grasp of the situation and the ability to keep up with the story.
If you like the “cute-sy” type of story combined with a family-like atmosphere and a lot of good-looking boys, then this manhwa is for you. The only deep part in this is the mystery of who plotted the killing on lippie’s family and the sudden appearance of magic and awakening.