it annoys me way more than it should bc i know it happens irl a lot and it puts ppl in such dangerous situations!!! u never know what that person's environment is! maybe the ppl around them are supportive and they are just not ready to come out but more often than not they stay inside because they KNOW they are not in a safe enough environment to come out, and for this Tsukasa who oh loves Danno do much to do this even after being aware of Danno's fear, and not only that, but Danno's past as well??? Bitch!!!!!!! If it was me, Tsukasa would have been done for frfr! Drop his stupid ass ugly ass selfish ass and find urself a man who truly respect your wishes like damn!!!!! It just hits too close home istg
you see, i can understand jealousy, but what we are NOT about to do is rob someone of their coming out. that's the lowest and most disgusting thing you could ever do to a queer person, just no! doesn't matter if ur family, friend or boyfriend, you NEVER DO THAT!!!!!! i'm SO disappointed and angry in tsukasa. honestly, fuck him.