
this is the best comment ive seen in this section so far people feel so pressed about what's going down on the story and I can understand but fiction is fiction and that won't change unless we as real people decide to act on it
just bc we like certain things in fiction and can enjoy them doesn't mean we approve on them being done in real life
and I know that when someone publishes smthg they are open to criticism but some people just comment to trash the author and the story instead of giving feedback or just dropping the story
Just a general reminder that this is fiction and not reality, and it is not okay to translate fiction into reality. It is perfectly fine to be into things in regards to fiction, but make sure to have the sense, understanding, and maturity to be able to seperate it from real life!
What the seme did here is one of those things. It's fine if you find it hot in manga form, but please remember that it is not okay to take advantage of a drunk person. I know most of us are able to seperate this from reality, but as an earlier comment said, sometimes there are impressionable persons who read this who don't yet have such an understanding.
So let this just be a sort of PSA to anyone who might be thinking "oh is this fine? bc he enjoyed it???" No! This is a manga! Manga and fiction in general shouldn't be translated into real life! Don't be ashamed about having 'weird' interests in regard to fiction, but it is fiction, not reality!
Especially if you have 'niche' or 'problematic' interests in regard to fiction, you should be more proactive about preventing such things happening in reality! Help others understand the divide between fiction and reality, and prove that your fictional taste does not impact who you are as a person!
Seriously. If someone is drunk, don't fuck them. If someone wants to throw up... don't fuck them??? Unless you have a detailed talk about consent in regards to alcohol consumption with that person while you are both sober... don't fuck them drunk. Also regardless of consent if someone wants to throw up uh probably don't fuck them... even if they're sober and fully consent. Unless being puked on is your fetish... sex and puke don't mix well.