Why are people shitting on MD

juu May 30, 2020 9:55 pm

First of all paste it in your minds the fact that their relationship is just purely fucking dont blame the guy for suddenly asking a 3some with these 2 bed partners(cw made it clear to md already). Second, CW could definitely yeet himself out. MD asked first if it was fine and he just went along with it?? Enough to suck this assholes dick lmao. Thirdly MD look so handsome as always ah

Lastly, chanwoo honey... if were looking at this in another way. You are really selfish. You made it clear to MD you arent having any of him. You had relationships even with your S&M relationship with him and now seeing some bed partner kiss him you suddenly feel hurt? hMMMMM

    xXHobiXx4489 May 30, 2020 10:02 pm
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    Shxxml424 May 30, 2020 10:04 pm

    I agree chanwoo could’ve said no at the beginning but he didn’t. I also believe he didn’t deserve that too, I hope he just opens up and follow his heart.

    S-umony May 30, 2020 10:07 pm

    thank you so much, you've just said everything that was passing thru my mind

    juu May 31, 2020 5:46 am

    To the person who said email lmao

    He isnt manipulating, if you open your eyes clearly MD is actually trying to teach chanwoo about boundaries and limits! (because his past relationship with his partners probably got abusive because they dont know when to stop during S&M and chanwoo got used to it thats why he doesnt use the safe word that much too which is concerning.jpg) also why does chanwoo have the right to get jealous of MD when first of all they arent in a relationship! Dont tell me you are trying to imply MD is making chanwoo jealous by stealing his partner? When he clearly see that partner is shit? Dont make me cackle so much

    Please go reread the whole series again and then talk to me. You sound like someone who excuses selfish behaviours because of a trauma card. I know this is just fiction, but never forget theres always something to learn within these stories!

    maychan May 31, 2020 3:56 pm

    people shitting on MD cause they are stupid trolls (≧∀≦) that's all

    juu June 1, 2020 2:39 am

    Eh only bias to one person? Can u just reread the whole series u dont seem to have good observation skill and comprehension skill. What wrong did MD ever do? If you read carefully hes been nothing but just nice to chanwoo. He placed distance after getting rejected that seems kind of normal to me lmao he was called to an important meeting and he showed up and that shows their professional S&M relationship even tho it was just BS introducing my new bf i hope u respect him kind of meeting. Hes been nothing but nice! I wish he got mad or jealous so the story gets spicier but sadly i guess that isnt his personality