The quote:
We all know that BL logic dictates that they get together after this but I really hope they don’t.
What MD did was fucked up and honestly Chanwoo wasn’t in the wrong. He went to ask his Dom for permission to date because they had agreed to keep a strictly professional relationship. He wasn’t planning on dating behind his dom’s back which shows he really respected MD.
But then MD uses the other sub who just betrayed and hurt Chanwoo to hurt Chanwoo even more. I don’t want to believe that Chanwoo just used the safe word out of just jealousy. Sure there was probably some there but he only started crying when MD smiled. In Chanwoo’s eyes MD was enjoying Chanwoo’s misery and was putting so much emotional damage on him of course he was going to break.
To simplify Chanwoo’s tears as just jealousy would be dumbing down this horrific situation MD forced him into. Yes, forced him into. Sure he could have said no, but he just lost his boyfriend who was a traitorous scum and he was about to lost his Dom too if he didn’t go along with this. Also who would want to lose their partner to their betrayer? MD knew that no wasn’t really an option so he happily hurt a Chanwoo for his own self satisfaction. I don’t know too much about the BDSM world, but I’m pretty sure putting your sub through this level of emotional abuse is a big no and no amount of aftercare can really make up for the shit MD just pulled.

Or this one is also nice:
Oh so 'manipulation' is a part of this BDSM reality? New info. They had a mutual agreement to seperate their private lives and their sexual relationship. MD did what he did because he has ulterior motives. He intentionally placed someone in an uncomfortable situation just to push his ideals on chanwoo. Whatever the reason is doing something that you know will hurt another person is wrong. Im not commenting on the slap or the play they do, rather the situation that MD created. Get off your high horse and stop thinking that you know whats best for another person. I just hope you wont be intentionally hurting someone just because you think they need a lesson or that they deserved it.

because even though Chanwoo rejected him and chose douches to date that was his right . was it a bad decision? hell yeah, specially with jealous sub douche, but MD clearly didn't want anything to do with jealous sub but used him and the whole situation to make Chanwoo jealous . one is openly a dumbass, the other is manipulative.
I understand his line of thought, I mean Chanwoo is one stuborn cookie. but how awfull must it feel to sudenly have to "compete" to maintain a relationship, against someone who just betrayed you in a major way, and coming from someone who said he wants to date you!? Compared to someone straightfowardly rejecting you and giving you their reasons in a somewhat repecfull manner, I really disliked md's underhanded method.
I think that's why he said the safe word because he was pushed emotionaly in a play for the first time and that shit just hurts, regardless if he loves md or not, it would hurt.

“ MD probably did feel a bit hurt when Chanwoo rejected him and that's why MD kind of strangled him but he realized that wasn't right. (I saw a comment that said something about that) Anyway stop hating on MD he didn't really do anything.”
I’ve read a lot of garbage on this hellsite, but this has to be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read

Imo this is a manga or fictional story, and sometimes in stories authors put the characters in more intense situations to make a point. However they should properly show the characters heal through the intense situation and change for the better. MD did apologize and honestly i hope he does more than apologize to him.
Other than that I agree with your comment. If people still have hope for MD doing better thats fine because its a story, but do not take this story as real life. MD is in the wrong and irl he I personally wouldn't even want them to continue dating both of them seem to be in the wrong place and MD did him super dirty and emotionally manipulated to the point of breaking down. I hope the OP and other are able to seperate fiction from reality.
Even for a storyline abuse should follow up with healing and confronting it properly or justice. Unless its an adult film that only shows fetishes and thats the fake storyline (but everything is consent behind the scenes).Whatever happened to chanwoo that makes him allow abuse should have been brought up properly(I do understand its a story tho and they might have done this to be dramatic, but they better make him apologize and mean it by showing he's sorry.)

Biss, realize that you can't compare reality and the fiction. This is yaoi and manga logic. They have their specific flow. You seem like the one of those people who come to comment section of "from rape to love" type mangas and writes about wrongs in it. You can speculate about motives in manga how they are good or wrong and how they affect characters but in the flow of that manga world. My opinion. In this MD had in a way the right to do what he did. Why? Cuz we (and MD) know that Chanwoo loves him, MD loves Chanwoo and they definitely end up together. And to prove it he did what he did. And he really did nothing sooooo awful. One slap? In those BDMS plays they do worse things. Chanwoo could always leave if he wanted.

But we are literally talking about real life issues here.
You completely didn't understand my point. I hate when authors start serious topics and normalize and traivalise serious matters.
Coercion, mental and physical abuse, crossing boundaries three times, mixing personal feeling with the play, exposing sus's health to harm because of his own anger...
I don't understand why almost all of y'all are hating on MD! Remember who was the one who rejected MD offer and found some rat on the street to date... and found out that he never wanted him. That was all Chanwoo, he was about to tell MD that he's going to "date" him even though they keep private and play relationships separate. The whole point of the chapter and last was to find out who would be MD next sub, MD even said to chanwoo that he didn't have to do it it'll just mean that the other guy would take his place, nothing forced or anything. To make things even better Chanwoo said the safe word and MD instantly stopped and even apologized, what more do you want from the man. Chanwoo brought this on himself if he wasn't being so dense and if he didn't pick a rat on the street over MD this wouldn't have happened. MD probably did feel a bit hurt when Chanwoo rejected him and that's why MD kind of strangled him but he realized that wasn't right. (I saw a comment that said something about that) Anyway stop hating on MD he didn't really do anything.