MD is not a very good Dom, and now I kind of hate this side-story. That's a real shame.

xXxRogueYaoiGirlxXX May 30, 2020 3:42 pm

MD is not a very good Dom, and now I kind of hate this side-story. That's a real shame.

    Gidget May 30, 2020 3:52 pm

    You obviously don’t understand BDSM or what it means to be a dom. MD did wonderful.

    Gansjyl May 30, 2020 3:56 pm
    You obviously don’t understand BDSM or what it means to be a dom. MD did wonderful. Gidget

    You are a fucking idiot.

    Grapefruit.soda May 30, 2020 3:57 pm
    You obviously don’t understand BDSM or what it means to be a dom. MD did wonderful. Gidget

    I dunnnno he did manipulate him into this situation

    xXxRogueYaoiGirlxXX May 30, 2020 4:04 pm

    No he really didnt- It was obvious that his sub was becoming gradually uncomfortable and he did nothing to act on that. No regular check-ups to see how he was holding up, no pauses or breaks- Which are often a fundamental part of BDSM. Maybe I don't understand BDSM as much as you clearly do, but I do know that a Dom is supposed to know what is best for their sub and treat them accordingly- And this clearly is not what was best for Chanwoo. When a Dom and a Sub engage in a scene, a Sub translates most of the power over to their Dom because they trust them- And this was clearly a breach of trust, because does Chanwoo look okay in those last panels to you? I think not.

    And this isn't the only time this had happened- It has happened before, where MD has acted purely on his emotions and thought of himself- Like when he whipped Chanwoo continuously after they'd literally just finished a scene. In a real-life scenario, going into that kind of play immediately after you've already done a scene, would fuck a sub up hard- And require so much after-care it's insane. And that's just not okay, whether you like it or not.

    So maybe I don't know much about BDSM, but I do know when a human is uncomfortable- Which Chanwoo clearly was. Do I think Chanwoo was in the right? No. Do I think MD was in the right? No- But there are certain ways you go about things, and this ain't one of them.

    Gidget May 30, 2020 4:14 pm
    You are a fucking idiot. Gansjyl

    Because I understand the realities of BDSM? I think not, snowflake.

    Gidget May 30, 2020 4:17 pm
    No he really didnt- It was obvious that his sub was becoming gradually uncomfortable and he did nothing to act on that. No regular check-ups to see how he was holding up, no pauses or breaks- Which are often a ... xXxRogueYaoiGirlxXX

    That’s what safe words/phrases are for. Chanwoo was fully capable of saying them at any time during situations you mentioned. True BDSM is supposed to push past comfort levels. It is supposed to break you down.

    xXxRogueYaoiGirlxXX May 30, 2020 4:49 pm

    I understand what safe words are for, but you can't honestly tell me that Chanwoo looked okay in any of those panels, and that's on MD. I know BDSM is supposed to push you past your limits, supposed to help you break down and be rebuilt again- But there's being broken down in that sense, and then there's genuinely breaking down both mentally and spiritually in the middle of a scene. It was clear that Chanwoo was not okay, and given that MD was his Dom, I guess I expected too much out of a yaoi manga, you know? Like, I expected him to take control and stop the scene, noticing what was happening was genuinely upsetting his sub, or at least use the stop-light system to check up on him- But that was probably just my nativity, hoping for the best in a genre such as this that normally abuses the use of bdsm.

    Grapefruit.soda May 30, 2020 4:54 pm
    Because I understand the realities of BDSM? I think not, snowflake. Gidget

    What are the realities of bdsm in your opinion? (Genuine question)