Any sexual act without consent is rape. If someone wants it, but changes their mind and they keep going, it’s rape. If someone does not say yes, it’s rape. An unclear sign of consent is rape. A healthy and safe bdsm relationship would be the discussion of the play BEFORE actually doing it and getting the consent and acknowledgement of the other party. Search up “Safe BDSM” and if you still disagree, feel free to respond.

The thing why I blame MD for the last two chapters is, because he came up with the idea that Chanwoo had to do a play with that shitty guy who only used him and lied to him. Chanwoo already felt hurt by that and yes he hurt MD's feelings before, but he didn't do it on purpose. As for MD the only reason he came up with that idea was to hurt Chanwoo. And that is something that is really low.

The only shitty thing Chanwoo did was bring that new guy into he and MD's life knowing MD had feelings for him but what about MD? MD emotionally manipulated him and tortured him to get arise out of him because he was offended about being rejected. He went TOO far bruh. While Chanwoo is entitled to not return his feelings or lead another sexual life. What's not clicking? Make it make cents luv XX

Yeah, MD was a bigger asshole than Chanwoo was but once again, it falls on both parties. The moment Chanwoo felt uncomfortable performing a play with the other guy, he could’ve backed out. He could have used the safe word even after MD made him kiss the other guy or suck him off. MD also should’ve just told the other guy the truth rather than go through a whole ordeal to get an emotional response out of Chanwoo. There was no point of MD wasting everyone’s time like this because of Chanwoo. L for both of them, I can’t continue reading the side story
I don’t really understand why everyone’s pushing the blame on MD, I feel like both Chanwoo and MD are responsible for the recent events. Chanwoo was inconsiderate of MD’s feelings when he brought his new “boyfriend” over to gain MD’s consent. I know they only had a SM relationship but it’s kind of obvious things will be awkward if you start dating someone directly after rejecting your Dom. Also, for those blaming MD for still hitting Chanwoo despite knowing he was domestically abused...it’s up to Chanwoo whether or not he wants to do a play. If he never consented to anything, MD hitting him wouldn’t even be possible. Idk, I’m prob gon get a lot of hate but I still claim it’s both Chanwoo and MD’s fault for how things got this way.