This is not OK!!!

kaito98 May 30, 2020 9:44 am

He broke Chanwoo!! He broke him and manipulated him and punished him for not liking him back. That is not OK! The last two chapters have made me very anti-MDxChanwoo and very uncomfortable. MD may not have beaten the hell out of him like his previous boyfriends but his emotional manipulation clearly impacted Chanwoo way more. And his pathetic I'm sorry at the end is just not enough. At first, it seemed like he might be perfect, he'll respect Chanwoo and treat him well outside the bedroom and be the perfect Dom in it. But not anymore! He was an abusive Dom who let his personal anger control the play and I can't imagine Chanwoo feeling confident and safe outside their plays anymore. He's so vulnerable and scared of losing MD that MD has all the power now. He knows it and Chanwoo does and it makes him weaker in every way. Anytime he thinks he'll upset MD this will come back to haunt him and he'll be scared. Their relationship will be unbalanced with emotional manipulation and abuse constantly there. This was one of the shittiest ways MD could have handled the situation of trying to convince Chanwoo to date him.
Oh, you're scared to date me? You're worried I'll abuse you like your exes and ruin our perfect relationship? Well, let me prove to you that I'm as shitty as those guys by breaking you so bad you'll beg to be with me. Grrrr!!
If the author leaves it like this with no resolution and no fixing their relationship I'll be very frustrated and disappointed. It's her choice but there're so many abusive relationships in yaoi that it would have been nice to have ones that aren't. And MD seemed so sweet at first that his emotionally abusive and angry side was a twist that didn't need to happen. Hell, even Alex shaped up and his relationship with DG became so sweet and I really thought he'll be a jackass till the end.

    pictured May 30, 2020 9:50 am

    I agree!!! I really liked the relationship between MD and Chanwoo but now... not so much. And it's so fucked that everybody is hating on Chanwoo without seeing how wrong MD is for his manipulation. Chanwoo seems just really naive and vulnerable ://

    anni.llm May 30, 2020 9:56 am

    I agree with both of ya guys!
    Let's hope for the best.

    kaito98 May 30, 2020 12:20 pm
    I agree!!! I really liked the relationship between MD and Chanwoo but now... not so much. And it's so fucked that everybody is hating on Chanwoo without seeing how wrong MD is for his manipulation. Chanwoo seem... pictured

    Like you, I thought that everyone hates Chanwoo. But I found a bunch of comments similar to ours. Which makes me feel better. It would be sad if people did see Chanwoo as wrong and MD as right for what he did, not realizing they're reinforcing emotional abuse. I find that's the problem with yaoi sometimes, it blurs the line of sexual consent and morality. As I've gotten older I've become more sensitive to that and I now prefer shounen-ai and yaoi with healthier relationships. Before it bothered but not I just can't handle it. There are enough messed up and abusive relationships in the world, it would be nice to escape and read about people who love and support each other through mangas which is my form of de-stress and escapism.