*takes a long drag off my cigarette*

lorelei May 30, 2020 9:05 am

first off, i want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to the author for ending chiwoo & jihyuns story like that. the image with small jihyun calling out to chiwoo, but chiwoo simply walks away while throwing out the photos is- *chefs kiss* P E R F E C T I O N. im so fucking glad that this didn’t end up like some generic bl bullshit where jihyun would be forgiven and he’d kiss kiss fall in love with chiwoo. i literally would’ve committed neck rope if after all that fucking shit he did was just brushed off. i deadass felt like breaking my phone every time this fucker was in a single panel, and the fact that some of yall are really treating him like some precious little misunderstood baby??

H U H ???

maybe because some of y’all are children or don’t understand, but lemme break it down for you: jihyun is a grade A certified psychopath, point. blank. period.
i don’t care how hot and sexy and how much he “loved chiwoo”, he literally has no regard for anyone’s feelings but his own. he could give less of a fuck that he has constantly mentally and physically damaged chiwoo over and over again, all that matters to him is destroying everything in chiwoo’s life to the point where he has no choice but to crawl back to jihyun. this whole damn time his attitude has just been “uwu chiwoo will forgive me after i beat the shit outta his friends, assault him, force myself onto him, and manipulate him since im just a rich bad boy who’s misunderstood and has issues uwu”,, and not to mention he says HIMSELF that he “KNOWS chiwoo will forgive because he’s the only person that matters in his life and he’s forgiven him before”,, even until the end, jihyun aint fucking sorry about what he did,, all he wants is to be forgiven again so he can destroy more lives just to create his sick fantasy of it being just the two of them. when you truly are apologetic for something, you shouldn’t automatically look to be forgiven without actual redemption. if all you’re looking to do is get sympathy instead of reflecting on how you fucked up and actually making moves to stop yourself from repeating what you’ve done wrong,,, chances are u might be a lil crazy bruv.

jihyun made it so that chiwoo would feel like he only has one person in his life by beating the shit out of every person he comes in contact with and making sure they’re too scared to ever interact with chiwoo. that’s why chiwoo never wanted to make friends again and be left alone this whole time. mans is a legit menace to society, and y’all still defending him?? that’s why he’s so fucked up and he thinks he can get away with crazy ass shit bc he truly believes that what he’s doing is out of love. love is not fucking up multiple peoples lives just for your own agenda. jihyun needs to get off these streets and get shipped to the nearest psychiatrist office,, mans need therapy not chiwoo booty cheeks

and for people saying that it’s chiwoo’s fault that things escalated so bad, i— i know y’all really ain’t out here victimblaming,, no ma’am, i know you fuckin lying....
nobody and i repeat NOBODY is obligated to accept romantic feelings from anyone else unless they are ready to. you go at your own pace and decide your own feelings without someone telling you how you should feel. maybe if jihyuns dumbass simp horny self had waited for chiwoo to actually figure out his feelings, something could’ve developed

    SourMang0 June 9, 2020 11:30 am

    SO TRUE toxic relationships are the worst, you feel trapped and as if its never going to get better, im so happy that the author made chiwoo able to heal and be with someone better.
    trauma doesnt always excuse your actions and you cant always think that just because someone loves you you get a free pass for hurting them and theyll always forgive you

    lorelei June 9, 2020 12:00 pm

    but what really pissed me off is how people are like “wEll iTs chiWoO’s faUlt foR iGnorinG jIhyuNs feeLInGs”. victimblaming is another reason why so many abusive and toxic relationships go unnoticed, many abusers find ways to turn the victims feelings into a weapon. if jihyun really cared about chiwoo, he would’ve learned to stop his behavior and its fucked up that people are choosing the side of someone who continuously made chiwoo too scared to go to school or have any social interaction. it wasn’t about love, it was about the power and control jihyun wanted to have over chiwoo