You're all going to hate me 😭 But I don't understand how a manga with so much potential...

Yurricane June 2, 2020 7:43 pm

You're all going to hate me But I don't understand how a manga with so much potential managed to fall flat to such proportions in the end.. The first pages seem to want to introduce the reader to a whole alternate universe w it's own rich history and morals, and the art is very detailed and puts a big emphasis on beautiful french/European scenery backgrounds that the artist must have researched and studied which is unusual in bl manga and that's amazing!!! But then the historical timeline gets all over the place and the story starts pulling these weird plot twists without any build up and nothing makes any sense anymore lol the fashion, architecture and time period really don't match I'm sorry... no one in the '80s used to dress like that girl. She even got an umbrella like.. I understand the whole "french bourgeoisie" vibe but c'mon now even them don't go that far. Also arranged marriages? Really?? This all feels a bit too first half 20th century and i know the alternate universe trope can technically explain anything but it just feels way too much with the whole '80s retrofuturistic clone technology element. I don't necessarily think both are incompatible in general but the way it was brought in this manga specifically.... Nah + the story is just uninterestingly cliché and the characters completely half-assed :/ They aren't even the kind you can read in between the lines and find something interesting to latch on to just,, they're melodramatic as hell and at the same time as bland as cardboard. There's no love shown, no chemistry between the two main characters, no substance in their relationchips or in how their world is presented, the whole "clone rights" plot is nonsensical and contradictory and in the end there's no real consistent morale, they've got no personality, nothing. The whole story feels so superficial and empty? Like a pretty display case of random aesthetics put together with no real filling/feeling and I KNOW this is bl manga, a genre with countless mediocre stories that ppl usually don't mind so I must look crazy ranting so much abt it... But with a rating like that, such cool initial concept + first few pages, nothing but praise in the topics and so many people calling it a masterpiece??? I'm actually super surprised bc it was such a huge let down there is no way it can be ignored and there is now way I'm the only one thinking this. It just feels like an umpteenth retelling of the infamous early 2010's tragedy yaoi trope but without the rape, that's good at least lol.. Anyway yeah the art is good and that one plot twist was okay but everything else is so bad they just stick out like a sore thumb.

    paranoidcommunist June 16, 2020 3:22 pm

    Haha i like you. People who read yaoi on this site are usually underage so i don't blame them for having low standards

    Yurricane June 17, 2020 7:47 am
    Haha i like you. People who read yaoi on this site are usually underage so i don't blame them for having low standards paranoidcommunist

    Yeah true I hadn't thought about that lmao I jwas just pissed off at the 9.5/10 rating

    paranoidcommunist June 17, 2020 8:11 am
    Yeah true I hadn't thought about that lmao I jwas just pissed off at the 9.5/10 rating Yurricane

    I feel like more than half of the 9.0 or above rating yaoi, especially the webtoon ones, are pretty shitty but also appealing to a lot of people. I'm nowhere near well read or knowledgable on the topic but even i can somewhat tell if a story is bad. It's fucking baffling how fast they call everything "masterpiece" these days.

    paranoidcommunist June 17, 2020 8:22 am
    Yeah true I hadn't thought about that lmao I jwas just pissed off at the 9.5/10 rating Yurricane

    also it got 9.5/10 because
    1/ pretty art style
    2/ attractive characters
    3/ a bit unusual setting for a yaoi
    4/ sort of a forbidden love trope
    5/ everybody wins

    Yurricane June 17, 2020 10:57 am
    I feel like more than half of the 9.0 or above rating yaoi, especially the webtoon ones, are pretty shitty but also appealing to a lot of people. I'm nowhere near well read or knowledgable on the topic but even... paranoidcommunist

    Exactly !! and to answer your two response: tbh most mangas/manhwas in the bl genre fall into the same bad (from mediocre to downright problematic) trope so most ppl kinda get used to it quick and learn to ignore it.. And I understand, heck I'm even guilty of this myself bc I know not one single piece of media is going to be perfect and unproblematic.. So in most cases I'm just gonna enjoy and highlight/compliment the other unusual/interesting elements a story has to offer despite it's other obvious flaws. BUT I still try to pinpoint what I dislike too bc especially in a genre like bl manga with such huge percentage of bad/toxic tropes, by shifting our focus the whole reading experience becomes frustrating on the long run bc it creates a huge judgement bias that makes people praise frankly average works as some kind of masterpieces like.... Pls raise your standards omg. Also what you said abt manhwas YES!! So many rely on pretty artstyle and heavy drama and have 9+ ratings but are boring as hell lmao

    npha131 July 2, 2020 5:30 pm

    Tbh the rating 9.5 in this manga is still A LOT BETTER than some BL manhwa shjt I've ever read which I won't say the name. Because their score is absurdly ridiculous (like more than 9 with over 30-40 thousand votes), it makes me question that Am I too hard to enjoy (my general rate is only 2-3 stars) or do others too easily go with whatever the author draw ( ̄∇ ̄")