Can someone tell me if this is worth the read? How much stress has this story given you gu...

LatteGratte May 29, 2020 11:44 pm

Can someone tell me if this is worth the read? How much stress has this story given you guys? Are there satisfying moments? Is the female lead weak? Are there repetitive cliches? I need some advice cause I don’t want to waste my time.

    Orleans87 May 30, 2020 2:03 am

    The first 7 chapters are going to be rage inducing, but are also amazing for what they are trying to do. Making you feel the desperation of the MC and absolute helplessness to her situation. This is all a little spoilerish..............................................................After she gets , she is flung back in time. She wants to change her future by pursuing her new goal in becoming her father’s successor to get away from her future husband, the prince who did everything you could imagine to her in her former life. It’s a really good read but can sometimes drag a little as the story really starts with her being 10years old again. The age progression doesn’t drag too much though. There is a lot left unsaid and certain scenes give you more questions than they answer. The MC is strong willed in a sense in how she fights to change her future but... I don’t know if you read certain comments and are aware....... that the ML is actually........SPOILER............the prince. Spoiler end......................................... Certain things about this particular gripe of many pertaining to the ML’s former behavior come to light much later on and might explain certain things. Question is though if the artist is good enough to convince us of this. We don’t know yet. It has not been addressed in the webtoon yet, so the hate for the ML is intense with many readers. You will get annoyed with the MC from time to time but nothing too bad. There are satisfying moments where the ML starts to get interested and the MC remains distant and has other male friends to occupy herself with and he becomes frustrated. Or where she takes charge. And also when the ML is confronted with her trauma. This is not some power fantasy webtoon though. So if that’s what you are looking for then maybe you should skip this. The MC is a fairly balanced character. Nothing too weak but also not an over powered genius who kicks everybody’s rear end. It’s long and the MC’s former rival won’t pop up until chapter 111. Also, SPOILER.................................................the ML stops acting like a prick but as of yet, his nice scenes are all spread out thinly over 100 chapters without going in as to why his former self was such a psycho with the MC. And because the first couple chapters were so intense and rather fast paced, the first impression of the ML is absolutely horrendous. So readers assume it’s part of his real character, because nothing ever hinted at that it was anything else yet. So he remains suspicious. To me too actually before I heard of a certain spoiler( I hope it’s true), so I’m more ambivalent about this until I see how the artist handles it and if it will be satisfactory. The art is really good and it’s a rather engaging story. Flow can be a little slow sometimes but it never bores you. There are certain cliches but nothing too over the top.

    Mokona44 May 30, 2020 12:20 pm

    The ending is very controversial. You will either don't mind or hate it and found it disturbing.

    LatteGratte May 30, 2020 3:51 pm

    I see... Is there second-male-lead syndrome?

    Mokona44 May 30, 2020 4:01 pm
    I see... Is there second-male-lead syndrome? LatteGratte

    Yes a hundred time over.

    LatteGratte May 30, 2020 4:05 pm
    Yes a hundred time over. Mokona44

    Ahh... Ugh... Too much stress... I despise second-male-lead syndrome. Thank you both. T_T