Wrong order, I was a bit like that and then I grew up and understood mainly what is the meaning of "good relationship", "toxic relationship", "goddam rape", "erotised rape (but that's rape peoples)".
There are a lot of young peoples there, or people that do not have enough experience to tell what is plain wrong, what is acceptable, and what is good.
Strong opinion doesn't make one rethink there way, they make people clam up. What you need is discussion. It will also permit you to understand peoples feelings and maybe yours better and find middle ground where you're not at each others throat.
So maybe you could also recomend good BL/Yaoi/Shonen Ai with a sane relationship that could serve as an exemple?
PS : Hum ! I was Bakugo/Midoriya before, because I thought it would permit Bakugo to change and become a little more sane, but hey now I know better and think Bakugo/Kirishima is good because Bakugo respect him a lot, Kirishima respect him a lot and know how to handle him and let's be clear (I'm not backing of on this one!) Bakugo show 0,00000 interest in women, and if the author is gonna couple him, then it will someone we know in the group, and nobody fit him, or it would'nt be a healthy relationship OR the woman character will again be ruined to be "missy good wife" and I don't want that ! So he would be alone, and I don't want that either because he is intelligent and kind deep down and is just a big tsundere with a big need of a psychotherapist AND SO ! Is it not better to pray they will stick together ? (with psychotherapy pretty please, someonesavethiskid).
That, is probably what you will found in an experimented Fujoshi's mind. Again I repeat, I really think that most people are grewing up from what you describe, and not falling into it. So let's be more like helping raising than stomping on it please ?

You’re right about Bakugou showing little to no interest in women however he also has shown little to no interest in men. If you want to go that far you might as well label him asexual.
I wouldn’t ship him with Kirishima just because he is friends with him. I ship them as friends but that’s as far as it’ll get. I wish that the author would just put canon sexualities for the characters, I make a point not to ship characters together unless they actually have a chance.
Bakugou has never showed any signs of romantic interest towards Kirishima, if he did I would ship him with Kirishima but he doesn’t. Yeah, Kirishima could probably help Bakugou out however it would be through a friendship.
I think bromance would be a much better term for their relationship, bromance and shipping them as a bromance is much better than shipping them like ‘that’
I don’t think I really hate fujoshi’s. Maybe some of them aren’t bad. It is just their logic that really messes me up. I believe characters should be shipped if they have a genuine chance together. Not just because you want them to be gay... But the reason why I got to enraged in the first place and went on a tangent is because of the commenter. The commenter admitted to having a fetish for gay men and gay relationships.

Also for recommendations I can’t think of any thing. I have yet to come across a bl/shounen ai/yaoi that isn’t smut carrying the story. I recently started reading the shounen ai window to window but it really isn’t that... Good. Most of it has been smut... I guess that is most of the reason why fujoshi’s like the genre because of smut. Both of the ml’s aren’t being honest with each other... I can’t even remember their names. One’s mother is a homophobe, the other one is insecure even though they’ve already gone and have sex. They haven’t really loved forward to solve the problems... They are just having sex...
So far what I’m getting from bl is that they think gay men have sex all the time... Specifically anal. Which is kind of a stereotype... Gay men can't have anal sex all the time without thinking, and "top" or "bottom" is not really a thing in gay relationships nor does it say something about your personality or gender role in a relationship.

Anywho. I’m gonna mute the conversation now.
Points I wanted to make is that fujoshi’s should never fetishize gay men and gay relationships... That is just... Disgusting. Shouldn’t fetishize the idea of being a gay man... Or the idea of being in a gay relationship... Especially if you think gay men fuck like rabbits. That is incredibly ignorant.
Shipping characters blindly just because you want them to be gay is not a good thing to do. You shouldn’t try and make a character gay just because you like the idea of it.... Bakugou and Kirishima have a good bromance. Bakugou doesn’t like Kirishima romantically, Kirishima doesn’t like Bakugou romantically. That is fact. They are friends. Can’t really call them platonic... Cause they’re not... They just respect each other and don’t mind hanging out with each other. That’s that.
Umm... What else... I think that’s it. Bye.
Hahaha deep down in my heart I want this to be a yaoi.... (=・ω・=)