MD is no different from Chanwoo's exes. Chanwoo really does pick up abusive men. MD is wor...

alleons May 29, 2020 2:23 pm

MD is no different from Chanwoo's exes. Chanwoo really does pick up abusive men. MD is worse since he's also being emotionally abusive. That slap was not for a BDSM purpose. Fuck MD. Chanwoo needs to get away from him. Fuck the author for portraying BDSM like this, this isn't romance. It's a story of how an abusive relationship starts.

    fllmsy May 29, 2020 2:30 pm

    Exactly?? Tbh, in what frame did Chanwoo even look like he was enjoying himself (even a tiny bit??)? The entire chapter was Chanwoo looking feeling uncomfortable and disgusted. That's not bdsm at all.

    fllmsy May 29, 2020 2:31 pm
    Exactly?? Tbh, in what frame did Chanwoo even look like he was enjoying himself (even a tiny bit??)? The entire chapter was Chanwoo looking feeling uncomfortable and disgusted. That's not bdsm at all. fllmsy

    looking and feeling*

    YaoiLover24 May 29, 2020 4:29 pm