I cant believe this story keeps surprising me with good quality storytelling haha. An alph...

Idishi6 May 28, 2020 3:28 pm

I cant believe this story keeps surprising me with good quality storytelling haha. An alpha who doesnt care for penetrative sex if his omega is still healing? And would rather pleasure omega in other ways? Agh so wholesome. He is best Alphaaaa

    raindragon May 28, 2020 6:44 pm

    the word, wholesome, doesn't mean "good," and it doesn't belong in a dialogue regarding sex.

    Zetsuru May 28, 2020 7:22 pm
    the word, wholesome, doesn't mean "good," and it doesn't belong in a dialogue regarding sex. raindragon

    Fuck off and let people enjoy things. You're coming off as condescending. Even if you don't agree there are better ways converse. There are other things worth correcting someone for.

    imapotatoe May 28, 2020 8:24 pm
    the word, wholesome, doesn't mean "good," and it doesn't belong in a dialogue regarding sex. raindragon

    oh no watch out guys it's the word-police

    raindragon May 29, 2020 4:29 am
    Fuck off and let people enjoy things. You're coming off as condescending. Even if you don't agree there are better ways converse. There are other things worth correcting someone for. Zetsuru

    I despise the word, wholesome, so I'm taking a stand. Wholesome is like mom, apple pie, and Jack Lalaine. It's prom queens and "The American Way." It's the G.I. generation's favorite word, and I don't want it to come back. I want it to flush itself down a shit-strewn sewer.
    I'm not preventing anyone from enjoying things. That's impossible.

    raindragon May 29, 2020 4:30 am
    oh no watch out guys it's the word-police imapotatoe

    yeah, so whatcha gonna do about it, asshole?

    PrancerOnClouds May 29, 2020 4:55 am
    the word, wholesome, doesn't mean "good," and it doesn't belong in a dialogue regarding sex. raindragon

    "wholesome doesn't mean 'good', and it doesn't belong in a dialogue regarding sex"

    You see that's the problem. You didn't really understand the comment. Even though @Idishi6 used the word wholesome after mentioning sex the comment wasn't about sex. It was about the alpha's sweet attitude,tenderness, and respect for his omega. Who he clearly values. Wholesome is the perfect word to describe such behavior and this type of romantic gesture.

    Please try to get an understanding of what people are saying. Otherwise there's no point in reading the comment section.

    Idishi6 May 29, 2020 7:50 pm
    I despise the word, wholesome, so I'm taking a stand. Wholesome is like mom, apple pie, and Jack Lalaine. It's prom queens and "The American Way." It's the G.I. generation's favorite word, and I don't want it... raindragon

    Wown it seems you have very very strong feelings about this one word. Are you ok??

    Wholesome can be used with sex. It doesn't just mean good. It has connotations of well-meant intentions. Sex is also not on the opposite spectrum and "bad". Thatxs why I wanted to comment that WHOLESOME SEX exists and it is reflected in this manhwa quite well in that particular scene.

    Don't know what kind of dictionary you grew up with but your definition of wholesome seems like it has problematic roots. I think your limited worldview definition prevents you from enjoying things.

    Idishi6 May 29, 2020 7:54 pm
    the word, wholesome, doesn't mean "good," and it doesn't belong in a dialogue regarding sex. raindragon

    Also just to re-educate you, wholesome literally means "conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being."

    raindragon May 29, 2020 10:57 pm
    Also just to re-educate you, wholesome literally means "conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being." Idishi6

    It was sweet of you to look that up, but, yeah, that's exactly what I said. Words carry connotations, which is what I referred to, and I didn't need to look it up.

    raindragon May 29, 2020 11:14 pm
    Wown it seems you have very very strong feelings about this one word. Are you ok??Wholesome can be used with sex. It doesn't just mean good. It has connotations of well-meant intentions. Sex is also not on the ... Idishi6

    Yeah, and it's a real deep-seated hatred, too, like a grudge! I'll buy healthy, normal sex, but not wholesome sex, which is beyond ridiculous. I have strong feelings about several other words. I also despise the abuse of the word, anyway, purposely, too. I can come up with a few more examples if you're interested.
    Wholesome has strong connotations. It's a reminder of a time when black people were denied their civil rights, when gays went their entire lives in fear of being killed, when little boys wore business suits to school, and rabid patriotism.
    You're probably too young to understand this, so please just trust me. Wholesome is a major cringe for lots of us.

    raindragon May 29, 2020 11:15 pm
    Fuck off and let people enjoy things. You're coming off as condescending. Even if you don't agree there are better ways converse. There are other things worth correcting someone for. Zetsuru

    What? You don't think you're coming off as condescending?

    Idishi6 May 30, 2020 8:58 am
    Yeah, and it's a real deep-seated hatred, too, like a grudge! I'll buy healthy, normal sex, but not wholesome sex, which is beyond ridiculous. I have strong feelings about several other words. I also despise... raindragon

    Againn I geel like you have very specific and unique connotations to the word that aren't the same as most other people. Which I think is not my business. I literally teach english as a profession and I can tell you this emotionally loaded definition of yours is not something that is taken for the meaning of the word. You are projecting a lot of negativity in that one word and that's your issue. I'm just glad other peoplen at least 80 of them, understood my literal meaning.

    Healthy normal sex is exactly what wholesome sex is, btw.

    Feel free to debate more but I probably won't push the issue. At 33 years old, this shouldn't even have prompted a reply on my part but I felt the need to respond. Good day.

    raindragon May 30, 2020 7:01 pm
    Againn I geel like you have very specific and unique connotations to the word that aren't the same as most other people. Which I think is not my business. I literally teach english as a profession and I can tel... Idishi6

    by "most other people" I think you mean "most other teenagers," right? No, healthy normal sex isn't loaded with ugly connotations like "wholesome" is.
    I literally have been a writer for over twenty years, so don't worry, I'd be astonished if you were older or better at the English language than me. Oh okay, I am older I see - by over ten years. Don't say, good day, when you mean, fuck you.

    raindragon May 30, 2020 7:05 pm
    by "most other people" I think you mean "most other teenagers," right? No, healthy normal sex isn't loaded with ugly connotations like "wholesome" is.I literally have been a writer for over twenty years, so do... raindragon

    another thing, what the devil happened to your and all these other women's sense of humor? There's really no need to make everything into life or death.

    Zetsuru May 30, 2020 9:19 pm
    another thing, what the devil happened to your and all these other women's sense of humor? There's really no need to make everything into life or death. raindragon

    No I don't think I'm coming off as condescending by confronting someone who came off as an asshole for absolutely no reason. I promise I won't sit here and participate in a back and forth with someone that is incapable of taking accountability for his or her actions aka being a dickhead unprovoked. I clearly stated that if you really felt a way and felt so compelled to reply, there were other more respectable ways to approach the conversation. People match energy. OFTEN. If you wanted this conversation to go oh so differently, then how about next time you step to whomever correctly. Problem solved. And you have some fucking nerve talking about sense of humor when you came into the comment section with a stick up your ass and everything. Humble yourself. If you are not black do not speak on something which you know nothing about. We use the word wholesome everyday B. And it's nowhere near as deep as you're making it out to be. If you haven't noticed in the past 2-3 we have a lot more pressing issues at hand than a word "reminding us of a time when..." Especially when we're all very much STILL going through it. I'm not replying to you again. if you need a reply from me you can just reread my comment.

    raindragon May 31, 2020 1:39 am
    No I don't think I'm coming off as condescending by confronting someone who came off as an asshole for absolutely no reason. I promise I won't sit here and participate in a back and forth with someone that is i... Zetsuru

    gee, you sound a little pissed off. You don't get to play the black card in a manga comment section. Also, identity politics sucks. It's wrong to tell someone they can't speak to an issue unless they can say, "as a black disabled autistic incontinent whatever, I'm the only one entitled to talk about this this or that." It's bullshit. I can talk about anything I want without having to preface it with a list of my personal social injustice points.
    Everyone is sad and upset about George Floyd. You're not the only one "very much still going through it."

    Idishi6 May 31, 2020 4:32 am
    by "most other people" I think you mean "most other teenagers," right? No, healthy normal sex isn't loaded with ugly connotations like "wholesome" is.I literally have been a writer for over twenty years, so do... raindragon

    Lol I had a feeling you were older than me. That's why my point was I would like to be the more mature one and just walk away from this absolutely unnecessary discussion. I guess I was expecting better of you. Thank you for sharing your seniority and your accomplishments. Tells us how little we might out stock in how someone in a higher position would still stoop so low as to continue this tirade. I can't believe I've been discussing a word definition with a 43+ year old.

    Also guessing you might not realize that a large part of the rest of the world doesn't share the same messed up history you're loading into wholesome. Your culture does not automatically mean it applies to everyone and everywhere else. What an imperialistic assumption to assume your is the center of the entire human population. So far NO ONE in this thread has agreed with your connotation. I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I'm saying you can live your life bitterly hating wordsn but not rain on everyone else's perfectly legitmate and literally correct usage of the word.

    Also, I meant good day in earnest. You must not meet with respectful people a lot, since apparently politeness is taken as a "fuck you" by you. I'd like to respect my elders, which apparently you are. Apparently immature, but still my elder. So good day.

    raindragon May 31, 2020 5:19 am
    Lol I had a feeling you were older than me. That's why my point was I would like to be the more mature one and just walk away from this absolutely unnecessary discussion. I guess I was expecting better of you. ... Idishi6

    well, for a change I was liking what you were saying at first. You sounded nice, but then
    you started again with the stuff about how you're right because everyone agrees with you.
    As an English scholar yourself, you can't understand how sensitive some people are when it comes to words? You've never felt that way? You've never loved and wanted to protect the language? You never wish people would stop and think before they made changes to the language that would ruin its prosaic quality (like she/he and he/him rock pile of awkwardness). Or when suddenly a word you hate is being brought back into use? Can you really not understand that I don't care if everyone agrees with me on this, that it's irritating to me, and I need to rant about it a bit, knowing there's nothing else I can really do about it? Maybe you want me to gripe about it somewhere else, but this is where I'm seeing people using it. I do know other writers who have their own sensitivities and eccentricities over the English language.
    I'm glad you meant to be polite so good day to you, too

    raindragon May 31, 2020 5:11 pm

    I just want to say one more thing. The word, wholesome, by its literal definition, must only apply to that which is wholly good, healthy, and beneficial in all its aspects. You can't say "this manga is wholesome" unless the entire manga is free of anything negative. The WHOLE of it has to be good, beneficial, and healthy for everyone, including children. For that reason, it can't be applied to many adult activities. You can, however, apply it to parts of something as long as you're specific. You can say its theme is wholesome, or a relationship between a mother and her infant, healthy food, sunshine, chocolate cake, apple pie, sincere patriotism, etc. is wholesome.
    For these reasons, using the word, wholesome, is problematic because it demands scrupulous attention to both its literal and connotative meaning.

    imapotatoe June 1, 2020 1:50 pm
    yeah, so whatcha gonna do about it, asshole? raindragon

    im gonna cry, how about that?