Not my cup of tea the male lead pisses me off

theophania May 28, 2020 11:21 am

I like the story setting but how she was treat was unfair. She was always the one being blamed. Just because she was a virgin he basically ran out on her and blamed her and because things didn’t go well her friend Gavin basically called her a coward. Like what could she have done he was the one getting all mad and ran out for no reason. Then after they sleep together she got up and got ready to go to school I’m the morning and again it’s her fault? Wtf is he a freaking child? Grow a pair she is an independent women. It is not like she sleep with him and leave him forever she is going to school and coming back. What does he want another round in the morning? He seriously got mad at her because she didn’t stay in bed with him in the morning. What. Freaking child and she has to be the one who apologized. He doesn’t even care about her feelings it’s like he wanted to own her. And when the gossip column wrote hurtful thing he didn’t even cheer her up he just said she should have been ready. And he even said this time he won’t apologized like he’ll he never freaking apologize she is always the one caving in to his childish needs. I don’t like him as a couple he doesn’t even who what he did wrong she is the only one giving up everything and didn’t sacrifice anything for her. He does not deserve her at all. I want her to be the strong independent women again I feel like being with him was toxic

Seriously in other harlequin comics the couple get separated for years, that is what this couple needs. She need to strive and succeed in her career and he need to grow the hell up. That way he won’t whine and become a unsecured pompous jerk.and she won’t feel she don’t belong because she is just a student. The manga should have split them up for like a year or two when she goes to her parents and then have him come and apologize I feel like he is taken back way to easy I thought she was supposed to be smart. He was childish since the beginning

    Comadrin July 26, 2020 5:08 pm

    You really hit the nail on the head. The ML acted like a spoiled toddler throughout the story. There was a definite imbalance of power in the relationship, and he was the one with the money and power. As the more powerful member of the couple, he should have thought about protecting her, yet he only thought of himself the whole time. Absolutely no empathy when she was slut-shamed, yet he was butthurt over nearly everything. And her "friend" would have had her sleep with the garbageman if he could improve his networking. Couple of royal dirtbags.