And I don’t like the guy in this as much he was a coward the whole time it’s always her voting against her ideals and pride and he kept turning her down half heartedly too. She already to the first step and the second and the third but he just wallows in self pity and his stupid ideals. She is my Queen through and through. She is a strong independent women who don’t let things faze her, not naively stupid or a bimbo, smart, hardworking, and fights for what she wants even if it gives her heart break. Colby does not deserve her if he doesn’t change

There’s no way she would give up her career, in my opinion, I think she’s gonna do what she said when she visited mls house, she’s gonna look for a career there. I mean she might have given up her current career but there’s no law that says u can’t start over, at least that’s what I think. If she truly is able to get what she wants then an ambitious person like her won’t just give up because of a new change in her life.
Did she give up her career too cruel! Why does she have to give up her career which she obviously loves. He is one of the best surgeon why cant he move hospitals? Why does the women have to be the one sacrificing her life? Don’t tell me she going to be a house wife who only stays home and knit like he wants. Or she could find a job there she has talent so she could thrive anywhere I wish the ending explains that.