Author should spread more characters depths

MsEpic May 27, 2020 5:36 pm

Dinidini is right. Aside from Iris, all other characters are flat. No depths or character development. Good guys are unconditionally good and bad guys are just pure evil. This is becoming as boring as hell. No one is born evil they have to have a reason behind their evil behavior.
For example, Howard could've suffered from severe abuse from his childhood, maybe they have killed a maid who he loved like a second mother, and being taught that compassion is for the weak and being cruel is how to survive in the world, or maybe suffered sexual abuse shattering his innocence and became cold-hearted.
That could explain his drinking problem.
But no, there's nothing like that. All the evil characters are just plain evil without any reason other than being selfish and the same goes for the good guys they're good just because, reasons.
And that just makes it boring and makes it very painfully obvious they just fodder/mob characters used for a prop up the main characters.
I mean check out Demon Slayer, even DEMONS were shown backstories of their tragic past on how they became demons. That manga is awesome!

    MsEpic May 27, 2020 12:53 pm

    I make more sense if he was, or the very least been raise terribly by his parents, cause no baby is born evil. I not excusing what he's done but it gives us some explanation of why he turned out the way he did.
    I mean, do you think you would've turned out any better if you were raised by those assholes for parents? I humanize him because he is human, humanity as a whole is mostly spoiled, selfish, entitled, scumbags that think they can get away everything. In the real world they're currently called SJWs or woke idiots.

    Anyway, if the author only focuses on giving depths and development on just two characters, then I'm dropping this, it's getting boring as f*ck.

    Oliverjoy May 27, 2020 5:04 pm

    Honestly. One of the things that made anime a.m.manga stand out was because the villains were given so much character Anne back story and motivation we actually almost side with them..these isekai stories have all become one note

    Moe May 27, 2020 7:01 pm

    Omg so true...i dont hate this but the characters are pretty bland, like the main male lead didn’t stand out tht much for me until the recent chapter showing his sacrifice for her. The author did a good job at that part. The start was good but now its just lagging ( ̄へ ̄)I wouldn’t mind getting spoiled about the whole story too

    MsEpic May 27, 2020 7:42 pm
    Omg so true...i dont hate this but the characters are pretty bland, like the main male lead didn’t stand out tht much for me until the recent chapter showing his sacrifice for her. The author did a good job a... Moe

    Spoiler from what I know.

    The two mc became emperor and empress, the best in history, in fact, I have no doubt, Iris, used the smartphone to gain knowledge and revolutionize the country with modern-day amenities. And no one knows what happened to Nera, and Howard possibly they were either killed or exiled.

    Moe May 27, 2020 7:48 pm
    Spoiler from what I know...........................The two mc became emperor and empress, the best in history, in fact, I have no doubt, Iris, used the smartphone to gain knowledge and revolutionize the country... MsEpic

    Ooh thankuu for the spoiler (●'◡'●)ノ .

    Evergreen May 27, 2020 10:12 pm
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    They don't have to spontaneously make him worthy of sympathy, just avoid being one-sided in his personality, humans are much more complex than this