rii May 26, 2020 4:31 pm

i started reading this years ago because my cousins were collecting this manga. i even bought two-three books of it myself, but i never got close to reading the ending. i think the latest chapter i read years ago was the part where carl died, when yura hadnt died.

so here's my thought;

it was really good, to be honest. hirose was an asshole right until the end, i dont think he has a redemption arc besides him erasing the nuke and asking to be taken away--and him erasing the nuke wasn't even his own wish, i believe. it was megu's words, that she loved the world as it is now, that made hirose protect them. well he did cry, but i'm not sure it was enough to forgive him-or at least symphatize him-in the end.

the story revolves around megumi being useless, but at the same time, megumi is just THAT useless they don't even mention it. at first, kanou's wish was to bring both hirose and megumi back, but after the lake, his thought was full on catching hirose. meeting megumi was only an extra accident. honestly, her name being mentioned over and over is actually useless. after all, hirose still attacked kanou; and kanou defeated hirose before megumi reached the school. so, i guess that's pretty much pointless. she's only somewhat important in the beginning. honestly, when she said "there must be something only i can do" i was hoping for something big, for example, hirose snapped to reality when megumi called him. but he was already defeated when she came.

yes this is a megumi-hating review LOL i hate that she was the one who ended up with kanou. yes, megumi had been with kanou from the start, but what they lived through was mundane. nami, on the other hand, met him only for a short period of time, but has been with him through high and low. she fought for him, she helped him, and what she did weren't some mundane things. it's honestly surprising how kanou didn't even think he loved nami at all, with how much they went through together. and the fact that nami confessed at the battleground lol. ok girl.

it's not megu's fault she was useless - she even realized it herself. but that doesnt mean she wasnt useless LOL.

also, somehow it felt like there was too much gap between chap 81 and chap 82, like there should be a chap between them to somewhat explain things before we can see them being alive.

and i miss all of them. i miss all the characters who died (well except katsumata lol). i was especially sad to see yura died. he was dead and forgotten. he survived the lake event alone and left, and he went through a journey alone, just to die alone. he survived the heart just to be killed by heart alone.

i'm glad mcpherson and the girl didnt die. i like them so much. i like their group, but it's very warm to see mcpherson and d4's relationship. they are like father and daughter and it makes me so warm seeing them, even when they lost two of their allies.

but all in all, it was a great story. the gaps were large between the start of the finish - feels like a long time since i read the first chapter (actually, yesterday). the last chapter left my heart very warm too - but i still hate how kanou ended with megu lol (they should have made it ambiguous for kanou's relationship lol) - and i felt surreal reading it. it was hard to read, painful but warm. the fact that the author finished the last chapter in his deathbed gave me a far and empty feeling.

and i'm glad i actually finished it!
