I’m heated...so imma make this a separate post

s.nuaah May 26, 2020 9:05 am

One of the reasons why most of us love Given so much is because of the fact that it’s so in tune with character relationships and very in depth with its portrayal of human emotions and experiences. None of us think it’s just another bl, and we’re still reading it despite how frustrating it is to do so.

At the same time though, it’s getting harder and harder to connect with the characters and properly grasp what they’re feeling. To be honest, it’s harder to read now then it was in the beginning, because at least in the beginning it looked like it was going somewhere with finding love and happiness after such a devastating loss.

For the plot’s sake, it looked like Fuyunohanashi was supposed to be the closure Mafuyu was looking for. That song was finally supposed to be when he accepts Yuuki’s death and learns to let go of him. Everything else after that was supposed to be Mafuyu and Uenoyama’s development and their relationship.

But with this new arc that portrays Mafuyu STILL not making at least a few steps to get over the loss of Yuuki, most of us feel like we’re back at square one with the characters’ development. Now, it looks like the beginning where Mafuyu joins the band and sings was just him trying to find a connection with Yuuki. Now, it makes it look like his relationship with Ueonoyama was just him finding Yuuki in another person with similar tendencies (like music and the guitar) so that Mafuyu can fill the gap Yuuki and his friends left behind. Fuyunohanashi doesn’t become a song of acceptance anymore. It’s now a song that acknowledges that Mafuyu will probably never learn to fully let go of Yuuki and find a place in his heart for another person. That whole arc just become Mafuyu STILL wallowing over loosing Yuuki.

Can you really guarantee that Mafuyu loves Uenoyama? Can you guarantee that the next song is closure, and Mafuyu wil finally FINALLY realize how unfair he’s being and start loving Uenoyama? Also, if he’s so adamant about taking his time with his decisions, then why rush into a relationship when he can see the hole his heart has? It’s not like Uenoyama was holding a gun to his head or anything...granted Ueno rushes into it as well, but if Mafuyu is 100% able to ignore his previous friends and remove himself from their lives, then he is able to tell Ueno to fuck off or give him time.

Do you see how it doesn’t just become readers being frustrated over the development, but just overall lack of fully structuring the plot? It ends up just being angst over angst, so where is the message of acceptance over loss here? Where is the message of discovering music, friends and love or finding new purpose in life?? Most of us are mad because we can’t see where this is going. What is the point in all of this? We know how hard it is to lose a person you loved your whole life. But we also know how hard it is to see the person you love and give your all for not reciprocating and probably using you. It’s selfish and cruel and hurts the living more than the dead. Granted Mafuyu is too pure to do that on purpose, but it still doesn’t erase what’s happening and all the things Uenoyama has to put up with. Mafuyu ends up giving no effort and no commitment. Even if he’s hung up over his ex, he is still in a relationship and he has to be at least minimally engaged. If not then how is it a relationship in the first place??

It’s not Ueno’s job to fill up Yuuki’s gap and nor is it his job to help Mafuyu get over Yuuki. Yet he still does all of those things anyway because he genuinely loves Mafuyu and wants to be with him without feeling insecure and Yuuki hovering over them like a swarm of wasps.

As of right now, most of us sympathize with Ueno because we see ourselves in him and wants the best for him because we know he’s doing his best despite the unfair circumstances. We love him because of that. Yuuki might as well quite literally be the soulmate of Mafuyu, but to put it bluntly, he’s still dead and Mafuyu needs to accept it. For a person who was supposed to see that about three arcs ago, he and his other friends are still taking there sweet ass time getting there.

It’s also sensei’s fault a bit. I don’t who where they’re taking this story and what they plan on doing with it. But if things don’t wrap up properly, then it’s basically guaranteed that most of us die hard readers will end up getting too frustrated to continue.

So to those who actually managed to read all that, omg I can’t believe you’re still here and actually read everything . Sorry for that long ass rant but tbh if no ones on Ueno’s side then it’ll be really lonely for him and I don’t want my baby to be lonely . My boy pulls through the deepest shit and ppl need to see that. Like I mentioned before in some of my other comments, I am still going to read and and hope for the best for my frustrating and loveable bean boys. We all wish them the best with little angst and lots of fluff <3

    s.nuaah May 26, 2020 9:15 am


    but can we y’all about the latest chapter where Ueno’s like “I’d noticed it but even though he can’t he seen, he’s always there” like. !!! Fuck on outta here with that bs. Can’t you tell how much my baby hurts??? The raw sadness?? For a guy he’s never even seen or otherwise interacted with?? Sensei you better make him the happiest man on earth after all this bs or these hands are coming.

    idontknow May 26, 2020 10:29 am


    Bl is lyf May 26, 2020 11:39 am
    EDIT: I CANT BELIEVE IVE GOT MORE TO SAYbut can we y’all about the latest chapter where Ueno’s like “I’d noticed it but even though he can’t he seen, he’s always there” like. !!! Fuck on outta her... s.nuaah

    that raw sadness T.T i cant </3

    Krienne26 May 27, 2020 11:48 am
    EDIT: I CANT BELIEVE IVE GOT MORE TO SAYbut can we y’all about the latest chapter where Ueno’s like “I’d noticed it but even though he can’t he seen, he’s always there” like. !!! Fuck on outta her... s.nuaah

    Honestly, at this point I don't even mind if sensei will set Ue-sama with someone else and let Mafuyu move on alone. He just doesn't deserve Ueno and I'm feeling so fuckn frustrated that Im just waiting for this to finish until I read this again because I love sensei's works (especially IwaOi doujins) so I want to trust her that she will wrap this up in a way that would leave us satisfied.

    s.nuaah May 28, 2020 4:38 am
    Honestly, at this point I don't even mind if sensei will set Ue-sama with someone else and let Mafuyu move on alone. He just doesn't deserve Ueno and I'm feeling so fuckn frustrated that Im just waiting for thi... Krienne26

    Agreed. If he's happy (even if it's not with Mafuyu) then I'm happy. Also, like can we just admire how sensei wrote doujinshis before this?? Idk why but that always cracks me up.

    Spring May 28, 2020 5:52 am

    This was so beautifully written, totally worth the read T-T

    Titanium May 28, 2020 9:47 am

    That's what I feel
    Nothing more to say