Which part of this fits the summary ? "When the world is finally at peace, is it still po...

akera May 26, 2020 12:57 am

Which part of this fits the summary ?
"When the world is finally at peace, is it still possible for them to be together, and this time, for a lifetime?"

Is the "peace" coming afterwards or is this a false summary ? If I knew that by chapter 46 we'd still have the same struggle, I wouldn't have read this if I'm being honest. The story, art and characters are all good but I don't do war stories especially when lovers are enemies ...
I'll just put this on hold and come back when it's completed, if it has a happy ending.

    Amies June 16, 2020 5:36 pm

    or you can read the novel (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
    Well there's also a live action drama (haven't watched it yet tho I just read the novel hehehe)

    SharkVice September 4, 2020 2:44 am

    Super late reply but from the novel and drama, I believe that sentence comes from the start when Pingting returns to Hexia and Beijie is forced to agree to a treaty. Afterwards it's war after war after fucking war after another war after some more wars