A certain someone was in a similar situation once upon a time, which led him to broadcasti...

OTPKoSh4eva May 25, 2020 7:55 am

A certain someone was in a similar situation once upon a time, which led him to broadcasting online to fill the hole in his heart. Even though these side stories are about MD and Chanwoo, I wonder if Jiwon and DG will make a little appearance

    HelloHowAREYOU:3!~ May 25, 2020 8:26 am
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    We still can’t help sympathise with those characters because we are reading a story about them. We get to see them be happy or sad as the story progress. Even if one of them did a asshole move.

    jumin han is gay May 26, 2020 12:16 am
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    exactlyyyyyy Chanwoo aint do nothing but reject MD and so called tryna ''Rub salt on him" like thing will prob way dif if MD never asked him out and that guy came