So I never expect realistic depictions of BDSm in manga or any fiction really, and this ma...

jules May 25, 2020 6:28 am

So I never expect realistic depictions of BDSm in manga or any fiction really, and this manga already had some things I found unrealistic, but this chapter has kinda rubbed me the wrong way. I can read non-consent fiction a it is literally fiction and satisfies my non-consent consent play kink in real life (actual BDSM lifestyle sub here :)) but I was so hoping this story with these two wouldn't do anything as messed up as this with this couple. I see tons of comments saying Chanwoo should be ok with this cause that how BDSM is but that just a piece of shit sorry. While everyone like spontaneity, in healthy BDSM relationships even if you're just going to do a scene with a person once, you negotiate everything that will happen before you start. This is completely not consensual because while MD has had consent with Chanwoo in the past that doesn't give consent to these actions now and is backing him into a corner and giving an ultimatum instead of a proper safeword system or something similar. Consent doesn't involve having to lose something by saying no, thats manipulative. Before I do a scene with a partner I like to do inclusive consent negotiation which means I would list everything I'd be okay with doing in that scene and that would them only mean that those things discussed are ok and nothing else. I don't when or exactly how each thing will be done (ex: impact play or breath-play etc.) but I know that if my consent is being respected they wont humiliate me in ways I didn't say were ok or try something I didn't approve of beforehand. So MD is being a piece of shit both partner and person but also Dom here and I'd never want to play with him and good people involved in the community talk to each other and recommend each other to people when they have a good reputation and there is no tolerance for assholes like what MD is doing in most communities. Just made me mad to see him treat Chanwoo like this and hurt him when he was acting before like he'd never do anything to hurt him seeing how many times he'd been abused before. Also since I've seen so many people sorta blaming Chanwoo for being abused by saying he picked bad boyfriends there never any excuse for someone being abused in any way. Well I guess this was my rant for this if you read all this hopefully you saw a different perspective or learned something about real life BDSM actions in most cases. Thanks, hoping this manga can redeem this issue in my eyes, safe sane and consensual always!

    jumin han is gay May 25, 2020 11:58 am

    I agree and one of this comment on my insta said MD has rights to manipulate Chanwoo am because he’s the Dom really attacked me then the person proceed to say love and abuse doesn’t matter in the BDSM which I strongly disagree, because In the BdSM community we’re supposed to have consent with eachother but Chanwoo didnt know he was gonna kiss he new kid and the new kid didn’t even get his consent, then mD smacked him, mind in fact Chanwoo just got humiliated, plus who remember chap 37 when MD got mad and took the anger out on Chanwoo? but didn’t surprise me that Chanwoo liked it, but people are saying Md tryna get Chanwoo to say the safe word, and how about if he doesn’t, to me mD doesn’t seem any different from the ex, MD needs to give Chanwoo therapy instead of hurting him even more it’s like saying I love you so I’m gonna abuse you to show you a lesson? And when it’s that shit it’s not longer safe BdSM and probably not even bdsm at all, and mind in fact MD knows Chanwoo toxic relationship and he chose to still act like this

    YaoiLover24 May 25, 2020 12:01 pm
    I agree and one of this comment on my insta said MD has rights to manipulate Chanwoo am because he’s the Dom really attacked me then the person proceed to say love and abuse doesn’t matter in the BDSM which... jumin han is gay

    Well said ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶